Ye fit here is 10/10
Blonde Ye back 👀
Blonde Ye back 👀
has to be old he hasnt worn one of his spirit shirts since yandhi was an album + the line on on god
has to be old he hasnt worn one of his spirit shirts since yandhi was an album + the line on on god
A Kanye fan page says it's from January 2019 so yeah
A Kanye fan page says it's from January 2019 so yeah
wish it was back tho i liked it
wish it was back tho i liked it
even after he said 'i bleached my hair for everytime i couldve died'
even after he said 'i bleached my hair for everytime i couldve died'
bet the only time he was serious was post ucla until yandhi era
yandhi era was all about love and positivity
bet the only time he was serious was post ucla until yandhi era
yandhi era was all about love and positivity
you cant know
ye is still cool with denimtears makes me happy, denim tears x levi's collab is cool too
Ye’s fits recently
They been futuristic as hell right? Like Idk why but he dressing like he in Minority Report.
I like how Kanye finds a piece of clothing he likes and wears it into the ground for like two weeks straight cause same
I like how Kanye finds a piece of clothing he likes and wears it into the ground for like two weeks straight cause same
Yep.. one example is how boots have been his thing for a while now.