@americana What happened tough boy, why did you delete your comment
I’m not reading this s***. You’re delusional. DRAKE IS NOT GONNA F*** YOU shorty
15 likes in 1 minute. KTT really hates that Drake stan
Whatever happens I hope this is real and it’s really drake in that chat and it makes these mfs rap. Kanye and Drake diss tracks to each other would be the pinnacle of hip hop
You are evil
I love it
I’m not reading this s***. You’re delusional. DRAKE IS NOT GONNA F*** YOU shorty
Thank you. Nigga doesn't even love hjp hop just drake and charts.
THE EXCEL SHEET IS BACK that's when I knew Drake stans were a special kind of idiots
they clearly just f***ing around and y’all eat it up
So you’re saying they’re dropping Bordeaux soon???
@americana What happened tough boy, why did you delete your comment
lol it's so weird how Kanye is texting the group about that verse. he 100% is asking "I want you to make my diamonds do backflips too"
I’m not reading this s***. You’re delusional. DRAKE IS NOT GONNA F*** YOU shorty