  • FREE 💜
    Apr 2, 2020
    goodkid mAAdposter

    Cause Ye fell off

    You still trolling on a new site?

  • Apr 2, 2020
    goodkid mAAdposter

    Cause Ye fell off

  • Apr 2, 2020

    You mean Gambino?

  • Apr 2, 2020
    1 reply

    There's threads here that go idle for hours and then suddenly come to life when someone makes an interesting post, and I like it that way over the new thread every minute, bait to get as many quick replies as possible style in music sxn

    Hes been too much chill last couple months, needs a beef or something like this

  • Apr 2, 2020

    Ye has nothing left to prove

    yeah but i'd rather him not self destruct his discog

  • Apr 2, 2020
    2 replies

    Hes been too much chill last couple months, needs a beef or something like this

  • Apr 2, 2020

    it also doesn't help when all of the major Kanye threads originate in music sxn and rack the pages there. There was a 20+ page thread just on him going to Mexico

    also this is the only artist sxn that doesn't cross with music sxn. some of the other artists get more visibility cus everyone hangs in music sxn and can see them in music sxn when they get bumped, but if a thread here gets bumped you have to specifically come to this sxn to see it. Thats why a lot of users would rather make a thread there than here. Even with thatt the sxn still manages not to be too far behind others and ahead of many

    moving this sxn as a subsection of music would remedy a lot considering a s*** ton of Kanye threads fly there without getting moved and our threads here would get much more views. its easier to click music and have 10+ artist subsections show there than having to come here every time

    people make threads there because there aren’t as many delusional people in music section.

    it’s a lot more balanced there than here where people like you struggle to disagree with anything kanye does.

    if more people from music section were here, people would be calling them trolls or negative

  • Apr 2, 2020

  • Apr 2, 2020

    After such a weak album like JIK people stopped caring as much as they used to. They realized that he actually fell off which we were hoping wasn't a thing even though TLOP and ye hinted at that direction. KSG was the only thing keeping people's hopes up that he would release more quality music.

  • Apr 3, 2020

    kanye stans spend all their time in music and drake sxn hating on the boy instead

  • Apr 3, 2020

  • Apr 3, 2020

    KTT died when the musical genius that was known as Kanye West died. AKA post-TLOP.