This how superheroes look after they get their ass beat. Sitting there with their head down and mask off hurt
This how superheroes look after they get their ass beat. Sitting there with their head down and mask off hurt
This how superheroes look after they get their ass beat. Sitting there with their head down and mask off hurt
I like that Ye always comes across like a superhero perpetually at the end of the second act. And then every once in awhile we’re rewarded with a sweet taste of W.
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Not sure what the issue is but this should be fixed in the next 24 hours, 48 hours max. I'm not able to spend more time on it right now.
Soind good mac
at the very end he was talking to someone
bet his ass needs the allstate nigga now
If you run into me, better have Allstate withya
Twitter embeds dnt work anymore?
they banned twitter embeds for most users
i thought that s*** said "kanye stabbed" i was bout to be mad af
I would lose my f***ing s***
i thought that s*** said "kanye stabbed" i was bout to be mad af
realistically what you gon do about it
Them damn boots 😂