Oh, well i see your social media profile is public. and you posted a picture in front of your new house, with the house number in it. oh, looks like the street is easily recognizable. i checked the county records and i see that you do live at this address. Hello, You.
Kanye real af starting of his s*** with “what do you mean by main provider” he ain’t letting that b**** get away with s***
How is not providing the address to the birthday party is kidnapping?
He just meant trying to keep him away, hide the kids from him etc
Who knew evil girls had the prettiest face
prettiest people do the ugliest things
on the road to tik tok riches and social media fame
“Main caregiver and provider” is such dirty shade. She acting like this a broke ass nigga in the hood who sees he kid 4 times a year
Imagine having that on your resume
Huge W tbh
They both sound stupid as f***
Kim with the main provider s*** as if she really has to “provide” for her kids like bro yall are rich af theres no real question on if ur kids are gonna have what they need or not
And when Kanye says dumb s*** like Kim “kidnapped” Chicago hes feeding right into her “hes crazy and slandering me” narrative