I made a simple and verifiable observation. it seems to be agreed upon looking at some of the likes on page one
this guy just cited ktt2.com likes
I'm on Lithium/Abilify & that s*** damn near made me balloon up 25 lbs...
I was able to rebound & get back into shape but Gawdamn..
S***'s no joke.
Does it make you crave food more? Or does it slow your metabolism
Does it make you crave food more? Or does it slow your metabolism
Little bit of both, but more so a increase in appetite.
Kratos looking a lil rough these days
He need to hit the gym
he's not fat he's bulking
you can see it in the other pics, my boy hitting those bench presses
This "every bald black dude with a beard is MC Ride" s*** racist low-key 😭
I feel like this is reaching way more than OP
People often compare black people and say they look like each other when they don't. Wouldn't be surprised if @op was one of those cacs
ITT (+ in general on this site if we’re keeping it 100) Y’all remind me of that episode of Atlanta when the white people going super hard for DG character
ITT (+ in general on this site if we’re keeping it 100) Y’all remind me of that episode of Atlanta when the white people going super hard for DG character
His music will never be as good as it was
i accepted this when pablo came out lol
he's not fat he's bulking
you can see it in the other pics, my boy hitting those bench presses
he’s a wide load fr