Kanye West – DONDA

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  • best moment of this era

  • Feb 6
    1 reply

    this would've been such an incredible late career album if it wasn't so bloated

    12-14 tracks and it would've been perfect

  • aaron xx

    this would've been such an incredible late career album if it wasn't so bloated

    12-14 tracks and it would've been perfect

    its for sure bloated but i think its kinda a miracle its as good as it is

    kanyes last run tbh

  • this album is crazy

    some filler

    and the Pt 2s should’ve just been a true deluxe instead of scattered around the tracklist

    but it’s really remarkable the moment he created with this

    it’s hard to comprehend how he was at this point just 3 years ago. how did he keep it all together?

  • Remove some filler tracks and you can argue it's one of the best albums ever made

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    24 is song of the life

  • Feb 27
    1 reply
    Mr Sting

    Bro should’ve just disappeared after this album ngl. He should’ve just done a proper tour for this album and called it after it was over.

    2021 Kanye was a different beast but he just went on interviews almost trying to taint his legacy and doing these weird arena performances. Smh what a dumbass. Also Donda 2 was pointless lmao only person who benefited from this era at all was Carti. He legitimized himself by hanging around Kanye.

    or at least just toured as a legacy act/ did production

  • Not here rn

    24 is song of the life

    This extended version

  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    or at least just toured as a legacy act/ did production

    No doubt he should be doing stadiums like taylor for the eras tour if he learned to just shut the f*** up at times

  • Mr Sting

    No doubt he should be doing stadiums like taylor for the eras tour if he learned to just shut the f*** up at times


  • Mar 1


  • lil ufo 🛸
    Mar 1

    such a shame Happy never got released

  • mov

    Jail aged so great