y'all trying to cancel kanye on his own sxn now this sxn dry af.
clearly hes alluding that me2 movement is 90% horseshit
dude said he wouldn't ever hit a women in his life on dont like. which is better than 95% way of male thinking
Who was the 2nd guy? He bodied Kanye and Rocky
Pardon Fontaine
He writes for Cardi b
y'all trying to cancel kanye on his own sxn now this sxn dry af.
clearly hes alluding that me2 movement is 90% horseshit
dude said he wouldn't ever hit a women in his life on dont like. which is better than 95% way of male thinking
word, he’s dondas boy, no way yeezy disrespects women
y'all trying to cancel kanye on his own sxn now this sxn dry af.
clearly hes alluding that me2 movement is 90% horseshit
dude said he wouldn't ever hit a women in his life on dont like. which is better than 95% way of male thinking
DONDA's son could never be an assaulter.
it's most likely cause he thinks it's a conspiracy against powerful black men, and that people like Bill Cosby are completely innocent targets.
it's a sped mentality but that's him.
Inb4 kris jong un spins a narrative that kanye paid to get kim kidnapped back then
Is this after the whole Yandhi turning into JIK no swearing etc. vibe?
This was Ye/Love Everyone era