crazy how this dude is the reason for all of this
the right-wing parroting started years before Ye and Kim split up
I’m convinced that henny bottle from the vmas in 2009 had a braloserl eating virus, that’s the only explanation for all this.
he got CTE from the car crash
It's hilarious that the "well he never explicitly said he likes Hitler" cope is now dead LMAOOO
I just can't support this manic f***. If I have it in me to check out his next project out of morbid curiosity I'm going to pirate it and hopefully be smart enough to delete it after the first listen.
Waiting for the avy to disappear
The Sofaygo sales thread got me crine from one post that got a user banned
He used to have his Stans do the heavy lifting and PR but now he's gone down a path only a few are even willing to follow. If you got Alex "turn the frogs gay" Jones nervous, then you're working mighty hard with your stupidity lmao
bro alex jones looked so lost lmao. it's crazy to see one of the most famous and influential black men, seemingly outdo the alt and far right
They deleted the Kanye section and I agree with it completely. Glad I grew up already and I can’t idolize him anymore
everyone itt probably on a list already
Ya ur on the top 5 worst poster oat list .
You just know whoever was sitting on the Hitler Tape is pissed he just went out and did a reenactment live for the world
I just can't support this manic f***. If I have it in me to check out his next project out of morbid curiosity I'm going to pirate it and hopefully be smart enough to delete it after the first listen.
can he even release music on a streaming service at this point
i think it's cause he's just so used to having to get attention, especially when it's bad publicity. not saying he NEEDs it or he's doing it solely for attention, but lets not act like kanye doesn't love attention and have a huge ego.
wouldn't e surprised if he's tryna secure that rightwing bag too, except he's hanging out with the niche ultra extreme
yea it’s basically this
atp idk how anyone can be offended by this
like no offense but it’s obvious this guy is severely mentally ill. i fear that he’s bringing ppl farther right, and that needs to be stopped but at this point the only thing that will stop him is not giving him attention
but we live in an attention economy so idk about that lol
Ya ur on the top 5 worst poster oat list .
go get some friends or some b****es brother
So glad the right hopped on Lanyes d*** and fought for his freedumb of speech. Now even they cant believe this s***
everyone itt probably on a list already
After I wrote the words "at least R Kelly"
You just know whoever was sitting on the Hitler Tape is pissed he just went out and did a reenactment live for the world
Bro was sitting on a TMZ exclusive only for Ye to f*** it all up