Nigga what
I can still see your avi somehow
Still see my avi? Those posts are out of here
Clown. Along with everyone still supporting him the past few months
Kanye sxn gone, they're homeless now
You have done every variation of this post:
As a jew i think...
As a muslim i think...
As a christian i think...
As a white man i think...
As a black man i think...
Stop man just stop
he's a troll
also racist/homophobe/misogynist.
Thread title makes I Like Hitler look like the new single
I was thinking the same thing
Literally just a mentally ill loser troll at this point, with no help in sight. Best for everyone’s happiness to just forget about him. Unfortunately I can’t even listen to his music anymore. His mother would be disgusted. This s*** just f***in blows
yea it’s basically this
atp idk how anyone can be offended by this
like no offense but it’s obvious this guy is severely mentally ill. i fear that he’s bringing ppl farther right, and that needs to be stopped but at this point the only thing that will stop him is not giving him attention
but we live in an attention economy so idk about that lol
i mean, in a way yes, the unhinged mf doing puppet shows saying antisemtic doesn't know s*** so pay him no mind, but he's got power and influence. I'm not about to gonna say ppll can't be offended, but i wonder if its more "i'm scared cause this is how it starts" more than offense. if that makes sense
the only reason i can see him being less of a threat, is he's too extreme and even ppl like trump and ben are like distancing themselves. also yeah, idk how to stop him from making ppl more right. his demo are dumb, impressionable ppl that don't know politics or history so
nigga coulda just been a stupid billionaire, continued his mogul rapper lifestyle and s***, and stfu
Honestly what is the end goal of all this for Kanye? What does he see happening for himself and/or society? And the follow up to that is...bro really couldn't think of any other way to achieve that?
Unless of course this really was all just for him to get dropped from his contracts. But that still just leads back to the follow up question. There's just no way someone can be this desperate for attention.
Crazy after years of defending this guy to my GF he’s made me look so fkin stupid