Still can’t deny that his music brings my spirit up. Maybe if I just ignore all this new s*** he’ll still have a small place in my heart
5 stages of grief
Listening to old Kanye albums is like watching early seasons of Game of Thrones: you know it's gonna end like s*** so why bother
The market for Ye stuff is really bad rn, best to wait a few years I think
You aren’t gonna know this, but you be “well actually” to me often 😂 ain’t even mad
Still can’t deny that his music brings my spirit up. Maybe if I just ignore all this new s*** he’ll still have a small place in my heart
No bro it’s over just stop
Listening to old Kanye albums is like watching early seasons of Game of Thrones: you know it's gonna end like s*** so why bother
Oh! He also said his mom was a Zionist sacrifice. Forgot that part, probably the worst of it
Listening to old Kanye albums is like watching early seasons of Game of Thrones: you know it's gonna end like s*** so why bother
Listening to old Kanye albums is like watching early seasons of Game of Thrones: you know it's gonna end like s*** so why bother
but them first 6 seasons some of the greatest tv ever made. just like those first 6 ye albums some of the greatest music ever made
All these Yeezy’s I got. Wtf I’m going to do with this s***?
Send em my way, I’m flying down to SoCal next weekend
All these Yeezy’s I got. Wtf I’m going to do with this s***?
I mean bro I can donate them hol up ima send u my address
All these Yeezy’s I got. Wtf I’m going to do with this s***?
Host a chill bonfire night with them or sum
All these Yeezy’s I got. Wtf I’m going to do with this s***?
"are they yeezys "
"no theyre adidas "
I’ve never seen someone try so hard to ensure that they’re blacklisted permanently from Hollywood and still get coverage
Send em my way, I’m flying down to SoCal next weekend
I ain’t donating for the cause, I’m a find a way to profit.
Listening to old Kanye albums is like watching early seasons of Game of Thrones: you know it's gonna end like s*** so why bother