Don't know if this was posted but of course Ye supports Russian Genocide against Ukrainians because Putin is a Christian and said the Us is satanic
probably just fivio
Fivio don’t know who Hitler is to be fair
Show me where I said this
Ok so what’s the relevance of saying that then?
What’s crazy is if something happened to Kanye everyone itt would be on his d*** just like with Virgil
nah this is different
When s*** hit the fan, is you still a fan?
So that is or is not a photo of you
The things he says don't really trigger me but his blind supporter's definitely needed a wakeup call. Hopefully now certain demographics can learn to think for themselves and not believe in infallible heroes. Kanye West can say and do things that are indefensible.
So if kanye says he’s about to start making an album now, do yall think A list stars will still pull up like they did for Donda?
He gonna have no collaborators he’d have to do everything himself, no more mike dean
Bro I always thought Kanye would eventually become radicalized along the lines of Malcolm X f*** was I wrong
Just wait bro it will happen.When his campaign fails again he will turn into a radical Black Panther socialist believe me
The things he says don't really trigger me but his blind supporter's definitely needed a wakeup call. Hopefully now certain demographics can learn to think for themselves and not believe in infallible heroes. Kanye West can say and do things that are indefensible.
this is all still apart of the plan
Show me where I said this
Stop f***ing playing, that's exactly what you said. Of course people would be sad if he died.
“When s*** hits the fan is you still a fan ?”
Average Kandrick fan
Sad that the root cause of this all is the fact that kanye takes 0 accountability for his own f*** ups. How many times has he talked about his contracts and losing his family? Apparently none of that is his own fault but the evil jews fault
Stop f***ing playing, that's exactly what you said. Of course people would be sad if he died.
Deadass lmao
Stop f***ing playing, that's exactly what you said. Of course people would be sad if he died.
Notice how you did everything but show me where I said it.