this hurt me, I loved and grew up on his classic music but if I play it now I just think of this f***ed up s***
ye really got me deleting his music off my playlists
still playing Yeezus TILL THIS DAY
If any of you work for Ye's team please shoot me an email
Honey you can suck my d*** from the back
Everyone I've seen defending Kanye is a c***with short hair... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
That fits doot doots description pretty well
If any of you work for Ye's team please shoot me an email
Y’all gotta get this nigga outta here for he signal to his bros lmao
Never seen a mf whose beard gave up on being ginger halfway down his face before
they can’t do that. they would then have to remove niggas that actually hurt people and committed crimes
i understand that argument, but this is arguably one of the most famous human beings on the planet spouting pro nazi chatter gaining profits directly off these platforms, its new waters
Something strangely ironic about people claiming free thought and calling people sheep, then regurgitating another mans talking points
The replies are his new fans. Shame.
This guy is also a Nazi.
Something strangely ironic about people claiming free thought and calling people sheep, then regurgitating another mans talking points
American politics in a nutshell for these past 6 dumbass years