Where's anti Clemons
he's in the thread that we're supposed to be getting to 10k, he's been working so hard all week to make sure that thread gets to 10k before the drop, let's not let him down
he's in the thread that we're supposed to be getting to 10k, he's been working so hard all week to make sure that thread gets to 10k before the drop, let's not let him down
I'ma go and support him then, seems such a good guy :)
i wanna speak to the ktt2 manager i cant access my profile
Kr0niic is now a ktt2 exclusive
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What was the decision process to make this site? I literally slept and missed everything lol
SMF (So Much Fantasy)
What was the decision process to make this site? I literally slept and missed everything lol
it's been in development since the summer