666 post in the 666 page
jesus is king would drop but only if you post
thanks based 666
damn red avy really got 666 we out here
Well. Here I am. Shout out to S for continuing to grow the forum. Remember getting the “blinking Avy” prior to KTT. Lol.
Hey all!
I'm speaking on account of okstatetw, once again (as I've said before, if you guys don't realize we're close friends by now, you just haven't been paying attention at all). Anyhow, just some posts to clear up anymore confusion:
okstatetw has not revisited KTT at all since what happened two nights ago. A mere matter of minutes ago I logged into his account to close off his PMs and say some parting words to a few. That will explain his "activity," but as of now he really is no longer posting.
In response to those who said he was "being too emotional": It's not about that. He obviously didn't appreciate the backlash, but he also says that the site was just starting to become more a source of stress and not one of enjoyment anymore. In truth, he'd been thinking of leaving for some time anyhow. The demographic of this site now is no longer exactly "relatable" to him anymore; he's been an adult for a while now and has simply decided it's time to leave and move on to better things. But he also wants to emphasize that the backlash from two nights ago is not the ONLY reason for his departure, but simply the final "link" in a chain of events leading up to it. He just now feels it's best to bow out now.
To all those who did make his time on here enjoyable, he wants to say thanks. To those who did not, he wishes you all the best and that you all mature into responsible and productive people. But as far as KTT? He's gone.
Hey all!
I'm speaking on account of okstatetw, once again (as I've said before, if you guys don't realize we're close friends by now, you just haven't been paying attention at all). Anyhow, just some posts to clear up anymore confusion:
okstatetw has not revisited KTT at all since what happened two nights ago. A mere matter of minutes ago I logged into his account to close off his PMs and say some parting words to a few. That will explain his "activity," but as of now he really is no longer posting.
In response to those who said he was "being too emotional": It's not about that. He obviously didn't appreciate the backlash, but he also says that the site was just starting to become more a source of stress and not one of enjoyment anymore. In truth, he'd been thinking of leaving for some time anyhow. The demographic of this site now is no longer exactly "relatable" to him anymore; he's been an adult for a while now and has simply decided it's time to leave and move on to better things. But he also wants to emphasize that the backlash from two nights ago is not the ONLY reason for his departure, but simply the final "link" in a chain of events leading up to it. He just now feels it's best to bow out now.
To all those who did make his time on here enjoyable, he wants to say thanks. To those who did not, he wishes you all the best and that you all mature into responsible and productive people. But as far as KTT? He's gone.