Whole lotta temptations in this thread, hold strong brothers salvation is coming
Hope yall make a distinction between p*** and p*** addiction. Watching p*** in normal amounts is fine, it's when it becomes an obsession that it's a problem.
Im addicting to f***ing and to p*** for a long time this is my first relationship that i managed not to cheat
i get Kanye , it’s not easy
u can't tell me what to do ill c***right now if i want to
Whole lotta temptations in this thread, hold strong brothers salvation is coming
Does anyone else think that Kanye purposely cut songs short? I felt like a few started or ended abruptly. I wonder if he’s saving bits & pieces from each
Nah that's kind of been his song structure since TLOP
Does anyone else think that Kanye purposely cut songs short? I felt like a few started or ended abruptly. I wonder if he’s saving bits & pieces from each
There's a rumor that God Is is almost 7 minutes long and that Thug might be on On God and that Ant Clemons is on Selah so maybe.
Hopefully this is better than ye.
The first minute sounded better than Ye and TLOP combined at their best moments
Don't know about yall but I want Kanye recharged
Making 8 minutes outros of him ranting from alien beings to jay
Rapping about kims b**** being a religious apparition on the first ten seconds of god is
Announcing his presidential run in a song featuring lil Wayne comatose on the mic
how much is addiction
Enough that it has a negative effect on your day to day function and you can't quit on your own. There's no exact number., it depends on your circumstances.