  • Nov 4, 2020
    1 reply
  • Nov 5, 2020

    It’s really not that important

    You have a conservative vs an establishment candidate


    Dude’s probably the same type of person that let twitter convince him Trump is actually a fascist

  • Nov 5, 2020
    1 reply

  • Nov 6, 2020

    Says u

    says reality

  • Nov 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Deez Nuts got more votes than he did in 2016 lmfao

  • Nov 7, 2020
    the end

  • Nov 7, 2020

    this is the epitome of

  • He did really well for an independent

  • i was thinking about his music in bed and all the memories I had listening to it


    he might actually be the greatest artist ever

    you weren't exaggerating

    anyways I hope I wake up to him as president

  • Nov 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Raplic Priest

    Click on the individual state to see his progress

    Current Number of Votes: over 60,000

    Imagine if Trump got these +60K votes

  • Nov 7, 2020

    Imagine if Trump got these +60K votes

    all of these are in states where it didnt matter

  • Nov 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Deez Nuts got more votes than he did in 2016 lmfao

    How much did that get?

    But these are actual official votes lmao..registered and everything

    The harambe and nuts bs literally were just wasted votes

  • Nov 7, 2020

    60k from 12 states actually isn't bad

    Idk what the population break down of that is. But it's certain he would have been in the hundreds of thousands if he was on all 50 states. Just Cali and New York alone woulda been a big boost

    If he had got 500k that's almost half of the most popular and well established 3rd party in the Libertarian Party, and I think he woulda got more than that

    For the best tho

  • Nov 7, 2020

    How much did that get?

    But these are actual official votes lmao..registered and everything

    The harambe and nuts bs literally were just wasted votes

    so were these bro! unfortunately, the american voting system is built in a way that any vote that isn't for a major two party candidate is a waste

    if Kanye had run a proper campaign and started it in like 2019 or so, he might have actually had a real chance. but his bullshit campaign was started too late, he could barely get on the ballot

  • Numbuh One ❇️
    Nov 12, 2020

    he got 1269 write in votes in vermont LOL