In the sense that it's been on air for too long at this point and is clearly past its prime.
I'm a lifelong simpsons fan thats just now diving more into the fan lore and stuff, why season 19 specifically? wasnt it going downhill a bit before that or is that a turning point for the series
Game would do anything to be relevant or attached to kanye lmao
Dude is probably one of the best lyricists I’ve ever heard too but always with some bs social media antics smh
Profiting from the Swatiska like Zionist profit from our pain. I get the message. S*** I have gotten it since wihte lives matter but most of the general public isnt autistic psychadelic art students Ye they will never get the message
they arent stupid ye they just truly don't get it because they do not care
they never care ye
they like Niggas as slaves to make art thats it
A symbol hurts you more than the actions so when an actual genocide occurs its "a single issue". When Zionist openly tell you they pump bullshit in the art its " stop the conspiracy" even when it comes from their own mouths. A symbol is terrifying though.
When migrants and muslims are put up in guantanamo what symbol do you want me to make so that you care?
you care about the symbolic more than the actions so often
Its why our society is the way it is
Biden and Obama had record deportation numbers didnt care because they didn't tell you
now you care because Trump finally speaks what America is doing.
Nazism is terrible obviously. Evoking trauma to prove a point is terrible as it is when he evokes rape, me too, or domestic violence but the point he is making in all cases EVEN IF I DISAGREE WITH DELIVERY is quite clear
The one for game? Yeah it is but it’s being wasted
Jim and Ye came in for 3 lines 😂
Profiting from the Swatiska like Zionist profit from our pain. I get the message. S*** I have gotten it since wihte lives matter but most of the general public isnt autistic psychadelic art students Ye they will never get the message
! arent stupid ye they just truly don't get it because they do not care
they never care ye
they like Niggas as slaves to make art thats it
they corrupted the craft
now the collective associates the craft with a corrupted version of it
Profiting from the Swatiska like Zionist profit from our pain. I get the message. S*** I have gotten it since wihte lives matter but most of the general public isnt autistic psychadelic art students Ye they will never get the message
! arent stupid ye they just truly don't get it because they do not care
they never care ye
they like Niggas as slaves to make art thats it
Profiting from the Swatiska like Zionist profit from our pain. I get the message. S*** I have gotten it since wihte lives matter but most of the general public isnt autistic psychadelic art students Ye they will never get the message
! arent stupid ye they just truly don't get it because they do not care
they never care ye
they like Niggas as slaves to make art thats it
this is an interesting ass interview tho // bro kinda cool af
this is an interesting ass interview tho // bro kinda cool af
He isn’t cool he is an oppressor
they corrupted the craft
now the collective associates the craft with a corrupted version of it
Was your old avy starfire? Told you that you were about to feast
I will always Recongnize Zionist are smart . Same way Trump is smart . Mass manipulation and social programming is calculated
cool is f***ing nuts ngl
lol Zionist made it so they can oppress black people and if I even say they manipulate minds it’s a stereotype and hateful
Even when they openly say they are doing it