she’s definitely a molly chick
Rumor has it she’s the one that force him to sit down and watch 21 Jump Street
You should almost always tell people what you think of them if it’s positive. Most of the time when people think of something nice to say about someone they don’t even say it because they’re too shy or embarrassed or whatnot.
A small compliment like “you make good eye contact” or “your hair clip is really nice with your outfit” can make their day/make them go from a bad to a good day which can lead to more positive things.
I did the opposite saying someone was shorter than expected
Quantum jumping into different realities but can only manifest “hundreds” of dollars?
She’s nice asl and she’s gonna be a good influence on Ye!
He's 45
So am I what’s your point
If the cool kids jumped off the bridge, would you?
He's 45
You’re never too old to continue growing Rockman, or should I say, Rockboy
You’re never too old to continue growing Rockman, or should I say, Rockboy
Always time for Jonah Hill to cure your antisemitism. So proud of our little guy!
would you prefer she wasn't a good infliuence lmao
I'd be more worried about his lithium prescription