Just so y'all know,claimant's suing for $1 million,citing incorrect wages and abrupt dismissal --THAT'S IT.
Everything else divulged in interviews they've given + allegations related to CoA,are for optics to reinforce a narrative and strengthen their case for a massive payout
there's pix out there that contradict the cafeteria s*** n the classroom setting claims that r in this article. but if u gonna call every photo staged publicity then you aint gonna be satisfied regardless so should prolly just carry on
You're doing the same thing calling their testimony fake with zero evidence except random pictures
Y’all love to share white publications that bad mouth people of color
This will always be a braindead take
This will always be a braindead take
It doesn't even make sense bc the two ppl suing were the only two black educators at the school no one reads anything
I'm sure it is
Do you think the people working for Kanye west still are the exemplars of a productive company culture
You're doing the same thing calling their testimony fake with zero evidence except random pictures
imma be real, even regardless of s*** that has happened in the past few months, sending your kid to a kanye-backed curriculum christian school sounds like a very ed decision
like you sending your kids to a school from a nigga who prides himself on not reading????
imma be real, even regardless of s*** that has happened in the past few months, sending your kid to a kanye-backed curriculum christian school sounds like a very ed decision
like you sending your kids to a school from a nigga who prides himself on not reading????
This creepypasta has to stop
It doesn't even make sense bc the two ppl suing were the only two black educators at the school no one reads anything
being a kanye stan blinds u fr
You're doing the same thing calling their testimony fake with zero evidence except random pictures
Just so y'all know,claimant's suing for $1 million,citing incorrect wages and abrupt dismissal --THAT'S IT.
Everything else divulged in interviews they've given + allegations related to CoA,are for optics to reinforce a narrative and strengthen their case for a massive payout
Another recent example where optics/ allegations related to CoA, are used to reinforce a narrative and strengthen a case for a massive payout:
The bogus $30 million lawsuit brought by disgruntled extras at a one of Ye's Hollywood Bowl concerts..
Once attorneys for the extras realized public optics didn't hasten the massive payout being hoped for,they immediately filed a joint stipulation to stay the case to prevent incurring further, potentially unnecessary litigation expenses AND were forced into early mediation
Christianity the one true faith.
Until Gabriel delivered the Qur'an to Muhammad ofc
Imagine sending your kid to a school made by a nigga who don’t even read books
imma be real, even regardless of s*** that has happened in the past few months, sending your kid to a kanye-backed curriculum christian school sounds like a very ed decision
like you sending your kids to a school from a nigga who prides himself on not reading????
Dept of Ed taking massive Ls everyday they sleep on Yeezy Curriculum
Another recent example where optics/ allegations related to CoA, are used to reinforce a narrative and strengthen a case for a massive payout:
The bogus $30 million lawsuit brought by disgruntled extras at a one of Ye's Hollywood Bowl concerts..
Once attorneys for the extras realized public optics didn't hasten the massive payout being hoped for,they immediately filed a joint stipulation to stay the case to prevent incurring further, potentially unnecessary litigation expenses AND were forced into early mediation
Exhibit B -
This has to be one of the more blatant instances of an attempted courtroom money grab;As the lawsuit was premised entirely on an alleged ORAL AGREEMENT between Ye and the co-plaintiffs
The failed $20 million suit brought by Tech Company MyChannel Inc-- (in which they alleged Ye/Adidas ripped off their e-commerce technology to boost yeezy sales) -- was most noticeable for plaintiffs being forced to agree to a joint stipulation of dismissal + footing all related court fees