it began with 808s
I remember seeing a interview where a collaborator said kanye had a ton of mumbles and he was there to turn the mumbles into lyrics, like what we see today
it began with 808s
I remember seeing a interview where a collaborator said kanye had a ton of mumbles and he was there to turn the mumbles into lyrics, like what we see today
kanye got mumble demos dating back to 2006
it began with 808s
I remember seeing a interview where a collaborator said kanye had a ton of mumbles and he was there to turn the mumbles into lyrics, like what we see today
been doing that since lr, peep the doc
it began with 808s
I remember seeing a interview where a collaborator said kanye had a ton of mumbles and he was there to turn the mumbles into lyrics, like what we see today
Im not talkin about the mumbles
More that he will take the raw orginal feeling/idea and go with that whereas prior it would be worked on more
Also, the act of not meeting deadlines dates back to his first album. It was delayed 3 times
Im not talkin about the mumbles
More that he will take the raw orginal feeling/idea and go with that whereas prior it would be worked on more
sounds like yeezus to me
Im not talkin about the mumbles
More that he will take the raw orginal feeling/idea and go with that whereas prior it would be worked on more
So you're asking when did he stop being "perfectionist Kanye" basically?
sounds like yeezus to me
i think yeezus is pretty dressed up still. in some ways it's a self-titled album in others it's a demonstration of a persona exaggerated to fit an album.
only one is a bit different, there isn't much fronting of any kind with that idea
i think yeezus is pretty dressed up still. in some ways it's a self-titled album in others it's a demonstration of a persona exaggerated to fit an album.
only one is a bit different, there isn't much fronting of any kind with that idea
Only One is more dressed up than Yeezus imho. 45s as well
How much more of a gospel album did you want with JIK
Huh? This isnt a negative take
sounds like yeezus to me
Remember when u made a thread about tlop taking away all the usual tropes people like from kanye
When defending Yeezus he sounded like he wishes he could work on individual songs more but time constraints won’t allow it. It makes sense, he does a lot of s*** at once. I just wish it wasn’t the music that suffered but rather that than his family or personal wellbeing.
Remember when u made a thread about tlop taking away all the usual tropes people like from kanye
yea lol