  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    It's such a shame that all this is over a song that isn't even good

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    It's such a shame that all this is over a song that isn't even good

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply
    La Flama Blanca

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I hope you see the light one day bc that s*** is super iconic

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply
    La Flama Blanca

    I hope you see the light one day bc that s*** is super iconic

    I actually like Famous I was kinda trolling, but I don't think that song is worth the amount of drama that it has caused

  • TheCoolestNigga

    I actually like Famous I was kinda trolling, but I don't think that song is worth the amount of drama that it has caused

    Yeah i feel that, i see absolutely no reason why this is still a thing in 2020

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean not going to disagree with you but I can see where someone would have a problem with that.

    Ah makes sense. White girl has problem w b word but dances like a f***ing weirdo to the N word.

  • Mar 21, 2020

    It's literally just a funny line in a song

    the fact she let that get to her that bad is goofy as f***

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Ah makes sense. White girl has problem w b word but dances like a f***ing weirdo to the N word.


  • Mar 21, 2020

    Well it’s weird that people are saying Taylor didn’t also lie because at her Grammy speech her problem was clearly with him undercutting her success with that line, but now that people know she knew about the line before hand, she’s saying it was him calling her a b****. And sure you could argue she clearly wasn’t happy about the line on the call and was just trying to people please but she clearly said people will try and make this a beef at the Grammys but she would tell them nah no beef we are cool I knew about it and literally turned around and did the opposite. Kanye talked about himself the whole call so I’m sure I’m hindsight Taylor was like this dude doesn’t care about me f*** this guy he only cares about himself. I kind of understand both sides.

  • Mar 21, 2020

    bro kanye saying that Drake was f***ing all of Kim's friends had me dead lmao

  • Mar 21, 2020

    Lol she still lied about pretending not to know about the song beforehand and acting fake offended over him "trying to take credit for her success" during her AOTY Grammy speech.

    I can't believe they're still trying to make this a thing in 2020 lol what are they trying to prove

  • Mar 21, 2020

    its f*** kanye west and kim kardashiiaon.

    im f***ing mad at this nigga, he keeps doing snake moves its getting too much smh.

    Lol shut up.

  • Mar 21, 2020
    1 reply

    How does this vindicate Taylor I don’t get it it’s proof that he asked her directly about every mention of her in the song an I missing something

  • Mar 21, 2020

    How does this vindicate Taylor I don’t get it it’s proof that he asked her directly about every mention of her in the song an I missing something

    it doesn't, people just stupid af

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Yes kanye f***ed up. Snake s***.

  • Mar 22, 2020

    i still like kanye west but he keeps doing jerk moves and acting like a snake, its hard to trust him. this is why i call him a lunatic.

    They dont wanna here it they live in their own lil fantasy world

  • Mar 22, 2020

  • Mar 22, 2020

    If you're like 15 years old, sure, maybe you would think that no one knew Kanye before the 2009 VMAs.

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Ugh. Why is he over this time?

  • Sad Daffy

    Ugh. Why is he over this time?

    he's "over" for absolutely nothing

  • Mar 22, 2020

    didn’t we already do this in 2016?

  • Mar 22, 2020

    This whole thing makes it sound like he’s this relatively new artist with a squeaky clean record that’s being EXPOSED! Wasn’t he already cancelled two years ago for the Trump stuff? Hell, wasn’t he cancelled for this exact situation four years ago??? It would be different if some actually serious allegations came up but this is just drama. Do people seriously think famous people aren’t lying to them left and right? Babies on Twitter who have only heard ye and JIK thinking “he’s finally done for guys!”

  • Mar 22, 2020

    He’s off doing his religious thing now anyway, this whole thing isn’t even relevant. Anyone who cares about Kanye and listens to his new music doesnt care about this. “Joel Osteen followers in shambles over leaked Kanye and Taylor phone call!!!!!!!!”

  • Mar 22, 2020

    also this isn’t new Kanye literally admitted all this s*** on Twitter years ago fkgkskfkgkskdkg