@S free me
@Pushin @Fronk @yeSAC @PrinceSzn get this clown outta here
your most recent thread (probably targeted at me) wishes death upon others because you don't share the same music taste
ik s*** on here can be hyperbolized but still s*** is sad
get help bruh there's a reason you're first account was banned
your most recent thread (probably targeted at me) wishes death upon others because you don't share the same music taste
ik s*** on here can be hyperbolized but still s*** is sad
get help bruh there's a reason you're first account was banned
nigga who the f*** are you why would i do that keep assuming bs
nigga who the f*** are you why would i do that keep assuming bs
assuming what
its literally your most recent thread
hope mods get you outta here with quickness
n dont quote me on this matter any more
assuming what
its literally your most recent thread
hope mods get you outta here with quickness
n dont quote me on this matter any more
nobody cares ab u noname dogshit