Bring our troops back from Iraq, keep our troops out of Iran
So the next couple bars, I'ma drop 'em in Islam
They say "As-salamu alaykum", say "Wa alaikum as-salaam"
That's no Oscar Mayer bacon, you should run and tell your mom
Now the question is, how we gon' stop the next Vietnam
It’s funny hearing jay on this. Supposedly the best rapper of all time but couldn’t keep up with ye
Has Kanye given his opinion on this situation? No
Was this thread just meant to bait? Yes
It’s funny hearing jay on this. Supposedly the best rapper of all time but couldn’t keep up with ye
It’s funny hearing jay on this. Supposedly the best rapper of all time but couldn’t keep up with ye
tea !!
And people still sayin: “there was no Old Kanye”
Old Kanye had writers. New Kanye has trouble
It’s funny hearing jay on this. Supposedly the best rapper of all time but couldn’t keep up with ye
What do it mean to be the boss, it means second place is the first one who lost
Old Kanye had writers. New Kanye has trouble
I dont need writers i might bounce ideas
But only i could come up with some s*** like this
What do it mean to be the boss, it means second place is the first one who lost
Send flex to Iran