Who tf made this
Drake stans even being itt tryna troll is hilarious
They're so bitter lol
On the front their shirts spell “they not like us”
Family of the year fr fr
This pic needs to go viral
The jokes write themselves
If they write themselves tell us the joke Zack
Lil b**** ass nigga think he a celebrity talking about some relax too many quotes boy if you don’t gtfoh 🤣
On the front their shirts spell “they not like us”
Family of the year fr fr
Makes sense they’re all no taller than 5’2
The jokes write themselves
Your name is ‘from the six’ and you’re from the UK, please dont judge anyone for stannery
Peak KTT days a Drake stan would’ve already threatened to shoot the place up by now
The jokes write themselves
Why you ain’t make the OVHoe sopranos family pic zachary?
Peak KTT days a Drake stan would’ve already threatened to shoot the place up by now
Makes sense they’re all no taller than 5’2
ricky when did they give you access to the doot account?
If they write themselves tell us the joke Zack
You are a smart guy, Kr0niic. You will figure it out.
Lil b**** ass nigga think he a celebrity talking about some relax too many quotes boy if you don’t gtfoh 🤣
bring out dre for the recipe
The real question is what song does Dot open this whole thing up with?
It’s gonna be either Euphoria or N95
The real question is what song does Dot open this whole thing up with?
Money Trees
Who tf made this
It was in the HNVM thread when the sales dropped, they was turning on each other