I'm tryna decide if I wanna cop a resell rn or try my luck tomorrow
Man waiting in a line for an hour don’t sound like the move again bro
I’m so close to chalking this s*** bro @op
bruh i need to look at 200s and not ignore them.
I'm tryna decide if I wanna cop a resell rn or try my luck tomorrow
are they already being resold?
are they already being resold?
If so Stubhub or SeatGeek finna be my best friend lol
They wouldve booked that in the first place.
Well no. You can’t just book a stadium impromptu lol
Yall noticed he used the pic of himself with the crown of thorns to promo it?
Yall notice that is his ticketmaster pic from the morale tour and ticket master hasnt channged it yet
Yall noticed he used the pic of himself with the crown of thorns to promo it?
Yall notice that is his ticketmaster pic from the morale tour and ticket master hasnt channged it yet
Yeah I almost bought that
not sure if its worth trying tomorrow, i might just cop on seatgeek
Yall notice that is his ticketmaster pic from the morale tour and ticket master hasnt channged it yet
Ticketmaster can't change it, only kendrick and his team can. But they haven't