  • goretex

    Ngl Mr morale in retrospect is the ultimate cop out album all his fans will always be like oh well he put out Mr morale! In response to anything critiquing this nigga I wish Drake made an album where he acted like he went to therapy and told everyone he’s not their savior so they can stop critiquing his gambling d*** and s***addiction

    Lol it's a flawed album, we can criticize it too. @Scratchin_Bandit made a great thread on this and broke it down some. Still, dot baring it all is not a cop out cus it's uncomfortable being that vulnerable

  • Mar 6
    2 replies

    He already released an album of him doing wrong from start to finish

    And they worshipped him even more for it.

  • thegreatdivine

    Niggas damn near treat Kendrick like a Christ-like figure. Especially since this battle happened. It's f***ing weird but hey. He can't do any wrong in their eyes.

    Too worried about the sales for Mr. Morale you forgot to listen to the album

  • thegreatdivine

    And they worshipped him even more for it.

    You worship and defend Drake for literally anything, such as kissing and groping a minor on stage

  • Mar 6
    3 replies

    who embraced his black side and spent his life on black rights and calling out injustices, working in black communities. He broke barriers as a black man at every step of the way and made sure the world knew it was a black man doing it. He dedicated his early life after college (where he was the first black president of Harvard Law Review) to voter registration in black communities. Constantly spoke out against apartheid. This is before he turned 30.

    Bro we know you are f***ed in the head when we comparing Obama to Drake. Get help please. You letting stanning of gambling addict spew any bullshit.

    Are you implying Drake didn’t embrace his black side? Lmao.

    He’s idolized black figures his whole life and specifically embraced black music from the get go.

    Yeah he’s not a political activist but you’d have to be insanely dumb to claim someone doesn’t embrace their blackness unless they are a political activist.

  • Mar 6
    3 replies

    reputation is important. someone who constantly does thoughtless f*** s*** in public won’t be embraced as openly as someone who DOES NOT ENGAGE IN SUCH BEHAVIOR

    obviously ppl engage w/ kendrick differently because he’s smarter than drake. why does this need to be said

    More cope. Kendrick has said and done a lot of thoughtless s***. From defending a pedophile and domestic abuser while calling Drake out for being a pedophile to defending XXXTentacion, a man who knowingly abused his partner multiple times and did a lot of other crazy s*** to supporting R. Kelly to saying s*** like "how can we as black people expect them (white people) to respect us when we don't respect ourselves?"

    None of it matters because y'all have always viewed him as rap's messiah, years before social media popped off.

  • LNP 🩶
    Mar 6

    who embraced his black side and spent his life on black rights and calling out injustices, working in black communities. He broke barriers as a black man at every step of the way and made sure the world knew it was a black man doing it. He dedicated his early life after college (where he was the first black president of Harvard Law Review) to voter registration in black communities. Constantly spoke out against apartheid. This is before he turned 30.

    Bro we know you are f***ed in the head when we comparing Obama to Drake. Get help please. You letting stanning of gambling addict spew any bullshit.

    As a huge Drake fan thinking all biracial people are a monolith is such a juvenile take and it’s also why they don’t understand why Drake gets more flack than someone like Cole even tho both have white moms

  • thegreatdivine

    It's hilarious that some people still use things like Drake's nationality (being Canadian) and his religion (being Jewish) as things that directly tie him to whiteness. It's almost like they don't know that there are Black Canadians and Black Jewish people.

    Anything to invalidate Drake's blackness, I guess.

    Drake’s only Jewish because of his white Jewish family

  • Mar 6
    1 reply

    And they worshipped him even more for it.

    That's not on him

  • Mar 6
    4 replies

    J. Cole is just as mysterious as Kendrick in terms of not saying s***/posting on social media/being seen out in public all the time and y'all use that exact thing to clown him while y'all use it to praise Kendrick lmao.

  • Mar 6
    1 reply

    Are you implying Drake didn’t embrace his black side? Lmao.

    He’s idolized black figures his whole life and specifically embraced black music from the get go.

    Yeah he’s not a political activist but you’d have to be insanely dumb to claim someone doesn’t embrace their blackness unless they are a political activist.

    He also called the way black people from his city speak ignorant

  • Mar 6

    J. Cole is just as mysterious as Kendrick in terms of not saying s***/posting on social media/being seen out in public all the time and y'all use that exact thing to clown him while y'all use it to praise Kendrick lmao.

    One of them is 100 times better than the other artist btw

  • Mar 6
    1 reply

    J. Cole is just as mysterious as Kendrick in terms of not saying s***/posting on social media/being seen out in public all the time and y'all use that exact thing to clown him while y'all use it to praise Kendrick lmao.

    Nobody clowns j cole for being inactive on social media. You made that up.

  • LNP 🩶
    Mar 6

    Nobody clowns j cole for being inactive on social media. You made that up.

  • iHype

    Are you implying Drake didn’t embrace his black side? Lmao.

    He’s idolized black figures his whole life and specifically embraced black music from the get go.

    Yeah he’s not a political activist but you’d have to be insanely dumb to claim someone doesn’t embrace their blackness unless they are a political activist.

    You're interacting with people who think Drake not rapping about black issues means he isn't a black man but other black men who don't rap about black issues are black men lmao.

  • Mar 6
    2 replies

    J. Cole is just as mysterious as Kendrick in terms of not saying s***/posting on social media/being seen out in public all the time and y'all use that exact thing to clown him while y'all use it to praise Kendrick lmao.

    People clown J. Cole because he’s been releasing audio NyQuil disguised as albums for the past ten years

  • Mar 6
    1 reply

    That's not on him

    It is because he spend the first few years/albums of his career presenting himself as that.

  • Mar 6

    People clown J. Cole because he’s been releasing audio NyQuil disguised as albums for the past ten years

    perfectly said

  • goretex

    Look at that lineup bro

    Kanye … Drake … hov

    Why would I wanna be a fake savior when I could be a get money nigga

    hov is the dream but he’d be just as fried as drake/kanye are right now if he didn’t have actual real niggas around him

  • Mar 6
    1 reply

    Lol it's a flawed album, we can criticize it too. @Scratchin_Bandit made a great thread on this and broke it down some. Still, dot baring it all is not a cop out cus it's uncomfortable being that vulnerable

    it's uncomfortable being that vulnerable

    I'd disagree, more about the context. Submitting to your faith is usually a cause that brings a person closer to their relationship with their higher power and with that you get testimony. Uncomfortability, wouldn't be the feeling I'd use because anyone who lives in their truth knows how freeing it is to walk around without a mask. Sure there maybe things that cause discomfort while speaking your truth, but one thing that's always true is "no pain no gain"

  • Expert

    who embraced his black side and spent his life on black rights and calling out injustices, working in black communities. He broke barriers as a black man at every step of the way and made sure the world knew it was a black man doing it. He dedicated his early life after college (where he was the first black president of Harvard Law Review) to voter registration in black communities. Constantly spoke out against apartheid. This is before he turned 30.

    Bro we know you are f***ed in the head when we comparing Obama to Drake. Get help please. You letting stanning of gambling addict spew any bullshit.

  • Mar 6
    2 replies
    Free YoungBoy

    He also called the way black people from his city speak ignorant

    It was unfortunate code switching. Black people have to sometimes present themselves differently in white spaces in order to be successful/approved.

    He was literally buying Pusha T autographs from EBay during that same age. He was never actually against street culture, Hip-Hop, street slang, etc lmao.

  • iHype

    Are you implying Drake didn’t embrace his black side? Lmao.

    He’s idolized black figures his whole life and specifically embraced black music from the get go.

    Yeah he’s not a political activist but you’d have to be insanely dumb to claim someone doesn’t embrace their blackness unless they are a political activist.

    As a hip hop artist and a black super star it’s your responsibility and duty to constantly make statements through art or actions until equality is achieved.

    Hip hop is built on that and that so the foundation.

  • Mar 6
    1 reply

    It was unfortunate code switching. Black people have to sometimes present themselves differently in white spaces in order to be successful/approved.

    He was literally buying Pusha T autographs from EBay during that same age. He was never actually against street culture, Hip-Hop, street slang, etc lmao.

    The white people at the table told him they thought their lingo was cool and he went out of his way to say nah it’s ignorant.

    So how is he code switching when he’s going out of his way to go against the majority