Will Drake ever drop a rap album that is 12 tracks?
Drake Stan’s don’t wanna do that convo
drake stan checking in, would like a 15-16 track album
Will Drake ever drop a rap album that is 12 tracks?
Drake Stan’s don’t wanna do that convo
Honestly Nevermind showed what happens when Drake doesn’t shoehorn filler like every other 20+ album release
Honestly Nevermind showed what happens when Drake doesn’t shoehorn filler like every other 20+ album release
His next s*** gonna be a surprise drop no lie
Kanye type antics before tho.
drake stan checking in, would like a 15-16 track album
His albums sound way more focused with a short track list
His albums sound way more focused with a short track list
honestly cant remember the last drake album where i genuinely believed you couldnt cut 4-5 maybe more songs and still have a strong if not stronger album
We just saw the Weeknd debut with 490.5k units and drop to 58k units in his third week.
They're desperate to turn the performance of this album into some sort of competition for GNX. You'd think they'd like to wait for Drake's solo rap album to make comparisons since they're such huge fans of numbers now but we all know why they don't wanna do that lol.
They can't even celebrate Kendrick's numbers on its own. They have to use it to try to s*** on Drake first. Sad.
Stan wars s***. I'm not gonna pretend I know where it started but I know for sure both sides be capping and stay disingenuous
We just saw the Weeknd debut with 490.5k units and drop to 58k units in his third week.
They're desperate to turn the performance of this album into some sort of competition for GNX. You'd think they'd like to wait for Drake's solo rap album to make comparisons since they're such huge fans of numbers now but we all know why they don't wanna do that lol.
They can't even celebrate Kendrick's numbers on its own. They have to use it to try to s*** on Drake first. Sad.
You right about solo drizzy
honestly cant remember the last drake album where i genuinely believed you couldnt cut 4-5 maybe more songs and still have a strong if not stronger album
I was a big fan of Drake before 2018 more life was the last time I really f***ed with a whole album. It struck me odd when XXX died and he painted the narrative
You right about solo drizzy
No one is contesting that tho lol. But drake threw a bunch of loosies on an album to see what would happen lol
Stan wars s***. I'm not gonna pretend I know where it started but I know for sure both sides be capping and stay disingenuous
Nigga you was part of the Stan wars why you being neutral now lol you did some psychs?
I was a big fan of Drake before 2018 more life was the last time I really f***ed with a whole album. It struck me odd when XXX died and he painted the narrative
yeah i mean i couldnt care less about all the X s*** and "drake being a mobster" s***. after scorpion then CLB I sort of checked out from drake "fan" status, but i got roped back in during the beef lol
Nigga you was part of the Stan wars why you being neutral now lol you did some psychs?
I don't Stan none of these niggas but feel free to tell me otherwise lol
yeah i mean i couldnt care less about all the X s*** and "drake being a mobster" s***. after scorpion then CLB I sort of checked out from drake "fan" status, but i got roped back in during the beef lol
Tbh I followed Drake since the start of his 08 career and was excited for someone like him was getting blown up and getting a label push
He kept the image but he kept dropping white america hits after that and I tuned off
I don't Stan none of these niggas but feel free to tell me otherwise lol
F*** you nigga I seen you lol
Then lemme know them cus I don't know what you on
Edit that rq before I respond
Then lemme know them cus I don't know what you on
You quick
It's funny seeing Kendrick fans trying to twist an R&B doing 90k units in its third week as some sort of L simply because it's an album with Drake's name on it.
honestly i could be wrong and ill probably regret this when @Syllables posts some screenshots but i remember @Beach_kneega being relatively neutral in most convos
Then lemme know them cus I don't know what you on
I really don’t care who you a fan of but you was going crazy in thread over one person lol why you weird now