  • Big Dog

    Bro I will put a lifetime ban on this outselling gnx. Its flying over gnx with ease.


  • TheFader

    I’m shocked at how fast that was. I don’t even think GNX hit that many countries that fast

  • mustardonthezeusho


    that must’ve been before he found out kendrick was on the album

  • Kendrick on good credit

    They bundlin', man, Chicago slang, which one of you niggas'll merch it?
    nigga said stop the bundles

  • ·
    1 reply

    lmao everyone was trying to tell me I was wrong... I'm telling yall this is a 200-215k album, no higher... this is gonna drop in streams so much after the next 2 days. only songs replayable are Rather Lie & maybe the kendrick ones. the pure sales will really help him IF they deliver in time, which considering how this released idk if it will be that "145k" random number that his stans are somehow saying he did

    Poster with The Weeknd avi says the song with The Weeknd is the only replayable lol hilarious

  • carti's youtube numbers are insane man, wtf. evil jordan at 1.8m in 22 hours

  • Carti fans are gonna be so f***ing unbearable if this outsells GNX (& also $$) man

    and theres actually a good chance lol

  • mov

    Poster with The Weeknd avi says the song with The Weeknd is the only replayable lol hilarious

    s***s an AI song too

  • SWAN 💜

    damn, carti really about to be part of the big 3

  • ·
    3 replies

    Big 3

    Kendrick, Tyler and Carti

  • TheLostBoy

    Big 3

    Kendrick, Tyler and Carti

    Schizo big 3

  • Nocta40 🦂

    Big 3

    Kendrick, Tyler and Carti

  • TheLostBoy

    Big 3

    Kendrick, Tyler and Carti

    bisexual big three