  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply
    Water Giver
    · edited


    and its also down to a fact black people are mixed in with other race of peoples too now, hoods or not

    like i mentioned earlier, the literal one place in the bay "that allows whites" is all trailer park country, a really really poor trailer park that is filled with black, spanish and whites. - so only the hood whites from there are allowed, but a white from san fran would get their ass whooped there - including from the hood whites lmao and the place is so f***ed up

    and trust me - they know everybody that is from there, and suppose to be there. no one can tell them nothin. and i know i aint fightin them 💀💀

    Where I'm from, Italians don't even be living around Black folks but they tend to be very drawn to our culture. They be calling each other nigga, listening to rap or Jersey club, wearing FUBU and fitted caps, getting their ears pierced, etc.

    I noticed some of the most "Black influenced" for lack of better terms White people I've met tended to be Italian. But they still wouldn't live around Black people even if you paid them.

    Hell, I think Spike Lee even had a scene touching on this in Do The Right Thing.

  • Nov 29, 2024

    Where I'm from, Italians don't even be living around Black folks but they tend to be very drawn to our culture. They be calling each other nigga, listening to rap or Jersey club, wearing FUBU and fitted caps, getting their ears pierced, etc.

    I noticed some of the most "Black influenced" for lack of better terms White people I've met tended to be Italian. But they still wouldn't live around Black people even if you paid them.

    Hell, I think Spike Lee even had a scene touching on this in Do The Right Thing.

    yeh thats the diff from cali and ny/east coast area from what i understand

    in CA we are all boxed in with each wether you like it or not since the 90s

    and especially even morse so in the bay due to weird land space due to all the literal bay cutting thru the land everywhere and why like san fran is a ston toss from oakland and okaland and a smaller hood called hayward and (lil oakland) are literall ass to ass to each other the end bottom of oakland meets hayward directly, and the top of vallejo meets napa valley wine country directly etc.

    kinda like ny from what i understand - but their boruoughs are seperated by tunnels and bridges full - take those out and slam then neext to each other with an occasional long bridge of certain major bay parts and you got us

    so, especially since the 2000s - we all assimilated a s***ton to a degree

    and one of the reasons why the bayarea specifically is the most mixed raced and mixed couple place in all of america

    bayarea got "good" with other races after the 80s n 70s black panther - while LA got "good" with other races after 90s LA riots - thus the 90s/2000s explosion of over cross

  • Nov 29, 2024

    can we take a moment to acknowledge the sheer amount of drake stans that crash out on here every time that kendrick drop. OP being another one

    its like clockwork

  • Himothee

    30th thread from OP in 2 days btw

    Didn’t even notice this industry bot

  • no color

    They taking themselves out one by one

    Just sad. Rest in piss

  • Lmfao

    we got that cracker outta here. Zack been condescending towards black users for a long time. Even mockingly used AAVE to troll us. The post below is him making fun of how black ppl in Philly talk and that’s what got him muted/banned

    We really need to get all the dumb crackers who clearly don’t respect us or our culture outta this forum

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    I can see that.

    It's funny too because, when I traveled out to LA, I deadass saw mad Black dudes with Latinas there.

    I was so used to watching Gangland and other gang documentaries/interviews that talked about Black and Latino conflict in LA that I was stunned to see a lot of Black and Latin couples there.

    In New Jersey though, "nigga" is deadass just a very casual phrase period.

    It's so universal that even Whites and Asians/Indians say it a lot. Not just Hispanics. Italians especially say it around each other a lot. I see suburban Italian boys saying "What's my nigga Joey up to this week?" and nobody blinks an eye at it.

    Not justifying it at all but context is important. A lot of people just use it as another way of saying bro, homie, or fam.

    black and latin racial tension (in regards to gangs) is still a thing in southern cali but it’s usually relegated to prison and some mexican gangs who run with a “NK” line

    the racial divide is due to s*** that comes down from the prisons

    it does get quite violent when it gets inflamed and civilians on both sides of the line get hurt

  • Nov 29, 2024

    we got that cracker outta here. Zack been condescending towards black users for a long time. Even mockingly used AAVE to troll us. The post below is him making fun of how black ppl in Philly talk and that’s what got him muted/banned

    That’s not Philly slang. Probably some Piru s***. Phillies hat - red P

    But yeah its past time for Zach from The Third Reich

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply
    Water Giver


    and its also down to a fact black people are mixed in with other race of peoples too now, hoods or not

    like i mentioned earlier, the literal one place in the bay "that allows whites" is all trailer park country, a really really poor trailer park that is filled with black, spanish and whites. - so only the hood whites from there are allowed, but a white from san fran would get their ass whooped there - including from the hood whites lmao and the place is so f***ed up

    and trust me - they know everybody that is from there, and suppose to be there. no one can tell them nothin. and i know i aint fightin them 💀💀

    Where is said trailer park?

  • Nov 29, 2024

    peysoh did it

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    Where is said trailer park?

    near nappa iirc, upwards where we actually have land

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    near nappa iirc, upwards where we actually have land


    Like real far out?

    I’m asking cause I’ve been all around the bay but I’ve never heard of this granted im not from rough areas

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply


    Like real far out?

    I’m asking cause I’ve been all around the bay but I’ve never heard of this granted im not from rough areas

    yeah "country"side

    napa is passed connected vallejo end - northward - then if you go really north you'll hit ish like vacoville (idk how to spell it)

    tho if we're being real its technically not "the bay" - like half of vallejo and nappa valley

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    Good morning

    Did op got the boot ?

  • Nov 29, 2024

    RIP OP

  • Nov 29, 2024

    D**** in the house ah we’re all gonna die

  • Nov 29, 2024

    Do virgin TMZ ex employees just start posting on this site when it gets rough for them?

    KTT used to be so fun man

    Like bro no way a living thing with any testosterone whatsoever posted this I swear a pillow couldn’t even post something this soft

  • Nov 29, 2024

    I'm sure Drake is proud considering his association with the proud nigga spammer Chromazz whom he's coined as the first lady of toronto

    but shes thick

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    I'm sure Drake is proud considering his association with the proud nigga spammer Chromazz whom he's coined as the first lady of toronto

    Braids did a number on the hairline

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    Naw,I'm happy I'm seeing my fiance tomorrow,she's so bad

  • Nov 29, 2024

    KTT has discovered west coast mexicans exist lmaoooooo


  • Nov 29, 2024

    black and latin racial tension (in regards to gangs) is still a thing in southern cali but it’s usually relegated to prison and some mexican gangs who run with a “NK” line

    the racial divide is due to s*** that comes down from the prisons

    it does get quite violent when it gets inflamed and civilians on both sides of the line get hurt

    I don’t even think it’s solely just prisons. There’s literally Hispanic gangs that are just outright racist, but it’s not the majority, but it is prevalent

    But yea with prisons, it doesn’t help that you only got a few choices in LA where you’re either Black, Mexican, White, or a civilian

  • Nov 29, 2024

    He can focus more time on her now

  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply


  • Nov 29, 2024
    1 reply

    bro I feel like I’m 90 I’m so mad at yall I’m a grump rn fr

    Yall don’t understand how fun this forum used to be I’m livid mfs got us out here looking worse than Reddit

    Nahhhh man like I got fully upset bout this rn

    For all the legends that got banned for typing words when s*** started getting soft around here yall never forgotten. Mfs don’t even argue funny on here no more yall don’t even know what a classic thread is f*** off my planetttt like
