it’s thanksgiving and drake stans been spiraling on here all day
funny how most of them end up racist and not even black trying to play in black politics and nuances while telling blacks what is true about themselves
big difference between a topic title and a word used in real life.Im sorry if I offended you
white savior coming to banish the black evil from our black community we should all thank him and his unique points thats never been thought by a black man nor talked about in the community
we so not nuance without the whiteboy hand - we just ignorant and hypocrites on our own lonesome
white savior coming to banish the black evil from our black community we should all thank him and his unique points thats never been thought by a black man nor talked about in the community
we so not nuance without the whiteboy hand - we just ignorant and hypocrites on our own lonesome
You done yet ? I'm about to start a whole new thread , you'll still be here unfortunately
Users like @op need to be eradicated from this site
You done yet ? I'm about to start a whole new thread , you'll still be here unfortunately
done policing you like you police us? nah far from it whiteboy
and it looks like you still here
done policing you like you police us? nah far from it whiteboy
and it looks like you still here
It's not that deep man relax lmao
It's not that deep man relax lmao
it aint deep to you because you aint black whiteboy
catch a point and the room
it aint deep to you because you aint black whiteboy
catch a point and the room
Shut up white boy ,stop trying so hard
It's not that deep man relax lmao
Normally I would agree with this on ktt
But to be fair you did make a threat involving like racism
That is pretty deep to most people
Normally I would agree with this on ktt
But to be fair you did make a threat involving like racism
That is pretty deep to most people
its the fact he started segregating blacks and trying to be the "smart one in the room" about black people to black people while not being black
Normally I would agree with this on ktt
But to be fair you did make a threat involving like racism
That is pretty deep to most people
This isnt any different then V nasty saying the N word but it's Kendrick co signing this kid so it's alright
Niggas coming at op but dont got a bad fiance
Word, I just can't wait to get all up her in guts tomorrow
This isnt any different then V nasty saying the N word but it's Kendrick co signing this kid so it's alright
there goes whiteboy missing nuance and painting broad strokes again
make a thread about gucci and yg with v nasty then whiteboy, while ignoring everyone that critqued it
how bout dre with em
or iggy with rocky and carti
come on whiteboy i think i got a list bigger than you actually - almost like i actually care and been peeped
its the fact he started segregating blacks and trying to be the "smart one in the room" about black people to black people while not being black
Yeah that's what I'm saying
You can't like bring up racial stuff and then be like "it's not deep" when people take it seriously
People don't joke about that stuff usually
why is this guy saying nigga
The same reason why Peysoh can say it
Word, I just can't wait to get all up her in guts tomorrow
Ok i was giving u the benefit of the doubt but now im suspicious
Yeah that's what I'm saying
You can't like bring up racial stuff and then be like "it's not deep" when people take it seriously
People don't joke about that stuff usually
i wasnt even taking it that serious until he wanted to act smart and above it than actual black people
and ignored my explanation
whiteboy dont want discussion he wants a laugh and drake sxn brownie points and turn of the computer about serious topic that actually dont involve nor affect him in real life or online