  • Sep 10, 2023
    2 replies

    And they wonder why Germany invaded their ass

  • No wonder Cyberpunk 2077 turned out so mid if this is the kinda stuff those guys had to watch in their downtime

  • Yo wtf I played 3 seconds of that video and nearly died of laughter wtf is wrong with these yakubs in Poland

  • Sep 10, 2023

    Been told y’all Kendrick Stans WOAT

    Look what they doing in Poland smh

  • rvi 🐸
    Sep 10, 2023
    1 reply

    @Prince what's going on..

  • Sep 10, 2023

    Sent this to my 2 Polish friends

  • Sep 10, 2023

    i was laughing till i saw this one

  • Sep 10, 2023

    Lmfao whole thread roasting Poland and rightfully so

    Bunch of racists

    Never forget when the Euros were in Poland and they attacked their own fans for being darker

  • Sep 10, 2023

    He killed that s*** tho ngl

  • Sep 10, 2023
    Gabagool Mentality

    And they wonder why Germany invaded their ass

    This post is insane lmao

  • Sep 10, 2023
    2 replies

    This is a tv show called “your face looks familiar”where people perform famous songs dressed up as the artist. In Hungary they dress up as black people or say nigga with no problem because the black population is so low that they don’t even think or know about that its offensive to someone .They don’t teach much about american history in the schools,and honestly I dont think the concept of dressing up as another race would be so bad if it would not come from hate in the past. Im pretty sure its the same in most of the east european countries.

  • Sep 10, 2023
    1 reply

    This is a tv show called “your face looks familiar”where people perform famous songs dressed up as the artist. In Hungary they dress up as black people or say nigga with no problem because the black population is so low that they don’t even think or know about that its offensive to someone .They don’t teach much about american history in the schools,and honestly I dont think the concept of dressing up as another race would be so bad if it would not come from hate in the past. Im pretty sure its the same in most of the east european countries.

    You think they sound uninformed here?

  • Sep 10, 2023
    5 replies

    You think they sound uninformed here?

    They are uninformed about the history of blackface or the word blackface. I know it looks awfully offensive and cringe the way they tryna mimic black people especially because Poland is like notoriously racist. But most if their expression of black people is from music and movies.I dont want to defend anyone who does blackface,but im sure that the people in the video enjoy black art and did not intend to hurt anyone even if they come off as douchebags. I would prefer if the media would cancel people who are actually racist with racist views,then someone who dressed up as a(bad) joke.

  • Sep 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Poland is known for being extremely conservative so not a surprise at all

    They even had areas where homosexuals not allowed and got in trouble w the EU over it

  • Sep 10, 2023

    average kendrick stan

  • Sep 10, 2023

    They are uninformed about the history of blackface or the word blackface. I know it looks awfully offensive and cringe the way they tryna mimic black people especially because Poland is like notoriously racist. But most if their expression of black people is from music and movies.I dont want to defend anyone who does blackface,but im sure that the people in the video enjoy black art and did not intend to hurt anyone even if they come off as douchebags. I would prefer if the media would cancel people who are actually racist with racist views,then someone who dressed up as a(bad) joke.

    this is true btw, people have no idea what blackface even is here, the show in question is just a cringy tribute show, there’s no malice there.

  • Sep 10, 2023

    Nah man

  • Sep 10, 2023

    Eastern Europe moment

  • Sep 10, 2023
    2 replies

    Poland is known for being extremely conservative so not a surprise at all

    They even had areas where homosexuals not allowed and got in trouble w the EU over it

    Poland is run by a conservative party that lots of people hate but they have built a lot of their power using media propaganda to pander mostly to older people, religious people and uneducated people. We have an election this year and theyll probably win again sadly.

    The show in question though has nothing to do with that, it’s just a dumb tribute show and there’s no making fun of Black people there, although I understand that with the history of blackface, for a Black American to see this looking from the outside it may seem offensive.

  • Sep 10, 2023
    1 reply

    @Prince damn

  • Sep 10, 2023
    2 replies

    They are uninformed about the history of blackface or the word blackface. I know it looks awfully offensive and cringe the way they tryna mimic black people especially because Poland is like notoriously racist. But most if their expression of black people is from music and movies.I dont want to defend anyone who does blackface,but im sure that the people in the video enjoy black art and did not intend to hurt anyone even if they come off as douchebags. I would prefer if the media would cancel people who are actually racist with racist views,then someone who dressed up as a(bad) joke.

    Nah I'm not buying it. How do you dress up as a black person and portray all these lame stereotypes like eating collard greens and s*** but don't know about the history? Nah

  • Sep 10, 2023
  • Caun

    Lmfao this s*** is INSANO!

  • Sep 10, 2023
    2 replies

    Nah I'm not buying it. How do you dress up as a black person and portray all these lame stereotypes like eating collard greens and s*** but don't know about the history? Nah

    They know about the stereotypes because they play Eddie Murphy movies,Rush Hour,White Chicks etc. on the tv all the time so they think every black family is like the one from Norbit.If I really think about it Eddie Murhpy is a black guy doing blackface.

    They dont follow American news about ‘xy’ tv personality getting in trouble because of blackface. In history class they dont teach about slavery or anything about the opression of black people.

    Edit: also you must know that east europe is still in the early 2000s culturally

  • Polish Power

    I'm crying