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  • Jun 23, 2020

    He's right

  • Jun 23, 2020

    u ruined a 50 burger for me but it’s okay i respect it

  • Jun 23, 2020
    wet runny poo

    He didn't ask anybody to educate him, y'all taking this s*** out of context, it was a personal conversation not a public statement
    Maybe he did all he could, donate money, protest etc but still doesn't feel like that's enough action
    I'm sure he can figure out what to do without posting tweets about it

    Yeah that’s why I keep saying if and probably when referring to Kendrick. Definitely a big difference between what Cole did and Kendrick doing this

  • Jun 23, 2020

    How can you hate this man ....

  • Jun 23, 2020

    kendrick is a perfect human being

  • Jun 23, 2020

    I hope the hebrew s*** on damn was a joke

  • Noir

    Seems like a pretty innocuous and well intended statement to me, but I'm sure we'll get 40 pages of hating ass bullshit anyway.

    Exactly. Literally nothing wrong with what he has said here.

  • safe 🪩
    Jun 23, 2020

    I mean it’s a tough balance for someone like him
    Protesting helps to an extent sure but he clearly has more influence resources and platform than the average person so how can he mobilize that in the best way to get action

  • Jun 23, 2020

    meanwhile Lil Baby already out there changing the world

  • Sad truth

  • O7OXO

    Kendrick knows protesting isn't enough. He wants to know what will cause real change

  • serenade

    the most difficult pill to swallow is that peaceful protesting is fetishized for the exact purpose of neutering any potential change that can happen. nobody is threatened by marches, that's why they get pushed so much and anyone who burns down a building or loots is simply a savage who is hurting the image of the movement. there can't be "action" until people realize this.

    This is the truth right here guys. Any revolutionary energy just gets subsumed by the system. Need something bigger—earth shattering.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    So disappointed that I doubted this man. Forgive me King Kendrick.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    There’s a difference between a nigga that spits bars and a nigga that spits bars specifically about this s*** OFTEN. The reason why no one was really looking for Wayne to talk about this s*** but not so much so for Kendrick and Cole. Wayne is just a nigga that spits bars. They are not. They often speak to the bigger picture so when the bigger picture is the topic at hand why would we not expect them to speak. It’s the equivalent of asking niggas why they expect (insert hood rapper here) to retaliate to them/someone in their circle being robbed/killed. Their whole careers literally have built to this point. Kendrick made Hiiipower and y’all wanna wonder why people want him at the forefront of this

    Bro Spitting Bars about this is exactly why Nobody should be questioning their motive, activity and stance

  • Jun 23, 2020

    The best way to help is what kendrick has been helping with anyway, and thats local community developments and the education system.

    But money isnt enough, its about actually changing the curriculums of what kids learn about, aswell as creating a multi-ethnic and integrated society that appreciates each other. And thats when we gotta look at our own communities and think how to do that.

    I can only speak for the UK, but one of our main problems with kids im seeing is that youth clubs are becoming less common, and many other factors has caused us to lose the sense of community that i was raised in

    Police in the US also need way more training to actually become a police when you compare it to other countries. Its actually crazy that as an outsider, the solutions for alot of their problems seem straightforward, and they choose to ignore it

  • ithaka

    they’re just dudes who spits bars man ion know why ppl press them to post about it on social media as if it affects anything

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jun 23, 2020

    Imagine kendrick gets in touch with noname and starts reading some of what she’s reading. Would be amazing

    Kendrick doesnt read

  • sabbaroni 🧔🏻
    Jun 23, 2020

    the most difficult pill to swallow is that peaceful protesting is fetishized for the exact purpose of neutering any potential change that can happen. nobody is threatened by marches, that's why they get pushed so much and anyone who burns down a building or loots is simply a savage who is hurting the image of the movement. there can't be "action" until people realize this.

    peaceful protests have amounted to zero change ever

  • Jun 23, 2020

    He should help free some political prisoners and then ask them

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Kendrick knows protesting isn't enough. He wants to know what will cause real change


  • Jun 23, 2020

    Kendrick knows protesting isn't enough. He wants to know what will cause real change

  • Jun 23, 2020

    the most difficult pill to swallow is that peaceful protesting is fetishized for the exact purpose of neutering any potential change that can happen. nobody is threatened by marches, that's why they get pushed so much and anyone who burns down a building or loots is simply a savage who is hurting the image of the movement. there can't be "action" until people realize this.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Yes, king! don't give into saying what the white people want to hear only real action is gonna last

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Drop TPAB2

  • Jun 23, 2020

    If a Black man who has technically beat the system by rapping about how f***ed the system is and accumulated millions upon millions of dollars cannot figure out what to do other than protest who logically can. What resource do these celebs not have available to them that cannot be provided ?

    he didnt beat the system lol. He was just successful in it. Beating the system would be owning a billion/trillion dollar company that actually controls the world ie becoming the system

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