drake's not a body shamer? he didn't hide them baby mamas? he's not embarrassed of them? that is how mama raised him? he doesn't wear his achievements as a mask? we should believe him because he has given us something to believe in?
Iunno bro that's a tough one
Meet The Grahams is how I know those lyrical spiritual niggas wouldn’t beat a Kendrick in a one on one.
the fake daughter is an auto L. If kenny can keep it to raps and less smoke and mirrors, maybe not. Well never know
the fake daughter is an auto L. If kenny can keep it to raps and less smoke and mirrors, maybe not. Well never know
the fake daughter is an auto L. If kenny can keep it to raps and less smoke and mirrors, maybe not. Well never know
doing this 6 months after is embarrassing
doing this 6 months after is embarrassing
lets just sweep it under the rug so we can conveniently forget that kendrick literally thought bro had a daughter
I'm afraid this track will have to be scrubbed from the internet for this to happen LOL. One of the biggest fumbles in battle history
lets just sweep it under the rug so we can conveniently forget that kendrick literally thought bro had a daughter
I'm afraid this track will have to be scrubbed from the internet for this to happen LOL. One of the biggest fumbles in battle history
Lil man got s***ted on in the 50 cent thread then had to come to the MTG thread to let out his frustrations
over/under how many kids does drake have
less than boozie, future, carti, and a handful of others kendrick would never wanna call out lol
lets just sweep it under the rug so we can conveniently forget that kendrick literally thought bro had a daughter
I'm afraid this track will have to be scrubbed from the internet for this to happen LOL. One of the biggest fumbles in battle history
yea yea and family matters was actually the best song of the beef too right?
these niggas man
yea yea and family matters was actually the best song of the beef too right?
not a kendrick stan being objective
what is sarcasm for 500 alex
Entire song sounds like something hopsin would make and is based around a fake child lol
Song is only good if you hate Drake
Entire song sounds like something hopsin would make and is based around a fake child lol
Song is only good if you hate Drake
If I ignore the complete breakdown of drake’s character and focus entirely on one verse
If I ignore the complete breakdown of drake’s character and focus entirely on one verse
The breakdown of drake’s character from the self proclaimed s***addict that cheated on the mother of his children multiple times over lol
Like I said song is only fire if you hate drake and browse Reddit