pedophilia as a punch line and fans posting a girl child on this website is where I switched up
its funny you keep dodging that ....
This what be on mans mind at 11am on a monday. Hope whatever real life problem you projecting on us gets solved p****
Your therapist sucks btw
Oh they having a therapist-off now.
Thera-pissed off now
its really funny how kendrick fans forget they were posting a childs instagram and saying "that looks like Drake that could be her omg he the goat
a 180 no I have said since push ups that if Kendrick mentions pedophilia it gets messy as someone who works with kids and had to mandate report this year
I said this when I saw the Zack Fox Tweet that I dont want a beef to become a court case
and what did it become said it april 13th
it is now september 13th past...
works with kids
if I see one of you losers in real life, I am sending you to a hospital
You around my kid I’m reporting you to HR pronto you shouldnt be around anyone with a normal temperament lmao
works with kids
if I see one of you losers in real life, I am sending you to a hospital
You around my kid I’m reporting you to HR pronto you shouldnt be around anyone with a normal temperament lmao
thats great
pedophilia as a punch line and fans posting a girl child on this website is where I switched up
its funny you keep dodging that ....
I think Not like us is lame point blank period if no investigation happening if no evidence calling someone a pedophile is lame.
op the only nigga from chicago whos a eagles fan
make it make sense
I grew up on the east coast
Op act like mfs werent posting gif of Whitney getting smacked, defending kissing an underage girl, making a fake website, and posting a child comparing him to Dave free lmao
Being in your 30s and threatening people with violence because they call themselves a huge Drake fan is a clear sign the MDMA therapy ain’t working big dog
1 user posts child ig
A million other posts: bro take that down
Chiraq-Pussy using Palestine as an outlet to air out own self righteous problems: WHY DO ALL KENDRICK FANS…
if you think calling someone a pedophile should be done lightly we are different
1 user posts child ig
A million other posts: bro take that down
Chiraq-Pussy using Palestine as an outlet to air out own self righteous problems: WHY DO ALL KENDRICK FANS…
was more than 1 user....
Nor did I say all users
I dont think Not Like Us is a good song. I think it has a good beat. I love the colonizer verse
1 user posts child ig
A million other posts: bro take that down
Chiraq-Pussy using Palestine as an outlet to air out own self righteous problems: WHY DO ALL KENDRICK FANS…
See now you lying ode. There was mad folks posting random children for weeks
if you think calling someone a pedophile should be done lightly we are different
-acted confused when I said he’s not a hip hop fan
Worst things have been said on wax p****.
And how is Dot supposed to respond to Drake saying his kids arent his and he’s an abuser?
if Heat Part 6 was Drake lying more about domestic violence rather than denying pedophilia is that a win to you>?
I was born in Maryland.
even worse
i’m from bmore and if you admitted you was a birds fan you’d get the s*** slapped out you lmfao