where in bmore did you live
never directly baltimore have lived silver spring, takoma park, olney
again parents worked in government so was around often
You said it was literally only 1 user posting random children when that was not the case. Yall love downplaying the weird s*** going on when it doesn’t fit your agenda
bro randomly pop up to try to get niggas mad enough to crash out like the weeknd fan. Try that gimmick wit someone else it’s tired.
And as far as p**** goes, go outside and seek some fresh air it’ll keep you from threatening niggas on a peaceful monday morning
You said it was literally only 1 user posting random children when that was not the case. Yall love downplaying the weird s*** going on when it doesn’t fit your agenda
like be for real.
bro randomly pop up to try to get niggas mad enough to crash out like the weeknd fan. Try that gimmick wit someone else it’s tired.
And as far as p**** goes, go outside and seek some fresh air it’ll keep you from threatening niggas on a peaceful monday morning
with you its a promise.
bro randomly pop up to try to get niggas mad enough to crash out like the weeknd fan. Try that gimmick wit someone else it’s tired.
And as far as p**** goes, go outside and seek some fresh air it’ll keep you from threatening niggas on a peaceful monday morning
all it takes is a google photo search cause you posted your fat ass here cant be the only place you posted yourself on the internet
all it takes is a google photo search cause you posted your fat ass here cant be the only place you posted yourself on the internet
More threats to dox.
My own government is my artist name
I’ve met ktt users before lol.
Once again, who are you talking tough for?
how this thread hasn't been locked yet is beyond me
Same could be said as to why your alt hasn’t been banned yet lol. Mods don’t care
Same could be said as to why your alt hasn’t been banned yet lol. Mods don’t care
im an alt??!?!?!?
insertcoolnamehere cooking the s*** out of condom eyes good lord
This is some of his best work.
how this thread hasn't been locked yet is beyond me
this is the s*** talking thread now get in or get lost buddy
More threats to dox.
My own government is my artist name
I’ve met ktt users before lol.
Once again, who are you talking tough for?
threats to dox.
Nigga some of my best friends are from KTT
you taking personal jokes to an insane level. Do as you please. As I have told you before do as you please. You said come to Harlem. I said gladly. There is no threat in acknowledging that you wont act like this in real life
This is some of his best work.
elemental teaming up with him is some of the weakest s*** i seen on this site lmfao
This is some of his best work.
Like bro, I’ve posted my ig mad times on here lmfao.
Somebody posted my YouTube in the middle of an argument and became a fan of my music lol
this is the s*** talking thread now get in or get lost buddy
u were saying?