niggas crying about Kendrick threads just being chatting when they were talking about an*me in the solo Drake album thread
Drake had to drop his video archives just for them to stop talkin about Kendrick in Drake threads… and they still found ways to bring him and his fans up lol
Kendrick confirmed first artist to get booked solo for the Super Bowl with a fanbase entirely comprised of bots??
Abel already did that
You know mans initially did that as a sorta “gotcha” like…bro 🤣
As a huge Drake fan you know he was grinning ear to ear when he found your IG
OP banned?
What he do?
What he do?
Found my legit public ig and bandcamp posting the bio lol
Posting @insertcoolnamehere whole government, and making threats lol
Found my legit public ig and bandcamp posting the bio lol
Oh nah wtf
As a huge Drake fan you know he was grinning ear to ear when he found your IG
Like nba sxn already dont call me my gov lol
it was crazy coming itt every other hour and seeing “I’m from chicago, I was homeless, you said you’d rape me, you said you’d f*** my sister’s mouth, my friend is serving life, die”
Deadass! Every time I clicked on this s*** nigga was in here getting off his manifesto.
i was laying vocals in the DAW and came back to a condom eyes blank pfp
“Oh you gotta love it” Drake voice
Oh nah wtf
It’s public ive posted it on the site, bro literally said “i just googled cause im good”
Then gave my music props after listening! 🤣🤣🤣
on some faggot bullshit call me dennis rodman
lmfao yo what is happening