i wonder if Dot makes an appearance
lights go out
everyone goes silent
all of a sudden you start hearing a piano note
"dear adonis...."
He should stay banned. Dude needs a f***ing break and needs to sober up and touch grass or something.
Damn shame
On OJ if it was only me buddy was having issues with i woulda say let him back tmmr lol.
On OJ if it was only me buddy was having issues with i woulda say let him back tmmr lol.
Nigga argued with every user who entered this thread 😂
Lmao dawg I'd wake up at like 530 in the morning and he'd be arguing
Work until like 4, he still mad
Work AGAIN until 10, and he's still mad as f*** arguing with people
Literally would go through the entire day cycle mad and arguing w folk. That s*** is NOT healthy
Noone can convince me they multitask to that degree of being that active on this site while living their actual life
Before I die I need to see Condom Eyes and 2Words going at it
The Short Bus Wrestlemania
Why is this a big deal ? Dude’s confidence is clearly broken and instead of dropping the hammer of L’s every week on his shoulders let a veteran take the lead. He probably shouldn’t be starting to year 3 anyway
Suns fan lmao
@HugeDrakeFan this your time bro!
Before I die I need to see Condom Eyes and 2Words going at it
The Short Bus Wrestlemania
add elemental and zack from Leicester for a fatal four-way match
@HugeDrakeFan this your time bro!
He’s too b****made to reply to me anymore lol
Yall remember that f***ing nut ass Suns bet he had?🤣🤣🤣 @Slimane @Beautiful_Morning
In the Infancy of Gospel Thomas Big J merked another kid because he bumped into him
Jesus caught a couple bodies in the apocrypha
He’s too b****made to reply to me anymore lol
He bet suns would be champions last year
@HugeDrakeFan this your time bro!
As a huge Drake fan my future bets are Lakers and Mavs this season
In NFL it’s Ravens and 49ers, ravens looking rough tho