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  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Let's be real almost no one itt actually gives a f that Kendrick had Kodak on the album. I've been on KTT long enough to know that. Y'all just using whatever u can to s*** on him for the most part.

    He's allowed to say he supports women's rights in what was a protest about the SCOTUS decision over abortion and have Kodak on his album. What the f*** do the two things have to do with each other? Stop smoking the troll crack man

    Kanye is MAGA head and a ton of other s*** but if he suddenly decided to do some s*** like this (not gonna happen - just an example) it would be a very positive thing also regardless of the fact he very far from perfect and has all that in his past.

    It's that simple now stop y'all fake ass s***

  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply
    Warren Peace

    bro you said a couple pages back that anybody who disagreed with you was an inexperienced teenager or some s*** like that. you were vehemently dismissive of any opinion that didn’t paint a flattering light of Kendrick and now you wanna act like mfs are judging you. but whatever bro, you can have this one 😂

    I just got off work and I’ve been trying to limit my time on this site to when I’m being paid to be on here so I’m out. I hope the album helps you heal more 🙏🏽

    I’m sorry that I’m passionate about an album that healed personal demons

  • pneu
    Jun 27, 2022
    Oj Or

    Yeah you got it lol my experience not real and Kendrick album not about nothing and the album just some excuse to have a hit song with Kodak Black or some s*** etc etc

    Not saying that at all, he's talking from his own perspective and trauma which of course can coincide with your experience too.

  • Jun 27, 2022
    2 replies
    rich scouser

    Let's be real almost no one itt actually gives a f that Kendrick had Kodak on the album. I've been on KTT long enough to know that. Y'all just using whatever u can to s*** on him for the most part.

    He's allowed to say he supports women's rights in what was a protest about the SCOTUS decision over abortion and have Kodak on his album. What the f*** do the two things have to do with each other? Stop smoking the troll crack man

    Kanye is MAGA head and a ton of other s*** but if he suddenly decided to do some s*** like this (not gonna happen - just an example) it would be a very positive thing also regardless of the fact he very far from perfect and has all that in his past.

    It's that simple now stop y'all fake ass s***

    I care

  • Jun 27, 2022

    I been a Kendrick fan since he compared the sweet taste of victory to Oprah’s but a lot of the stans here acting like they werent making Baka trafficking jokes for years.

    This why standom ultimately is a disease that affects the brain. Your bias leads you to make hypocritical ass points you would NOT give any other artists who do the same thing.

    Id bet my entire college loans most Kendrick stans in here have made at least 1 Kanye joke concerning the people he aligned himself with as far as rapists/predators go.

    Kendrick painted a sympathetic tone for abusers. Great. So many goddamn artists have done that for decades. When do the goddamn victims get that same sympathy? When does music actually start holding abusers actually accountable and not this “oh bruh look what he did was messed up BUT TRAUMA” like every nigga that’s been molested automatically becomes an abuser.

    What about the victim’s trauma? I think about life IS failing them more tbh.

    So yeah, people are allowed to criticize the nigga doing this talking bout women’s right. ESPECIALLY since some states aint even using rape as an exception no more.

  • Jun 27, 2022
    Oj Or

    I’m sorry that I’m passionate about an album that healed personal demons

    now u'r just making s*** up, no one asking u to be sorry about that s*** nor was that ever implied

    again, u'r pathetic dude

  • Tomorrow

    Main character syndrome

    Just like his savior Kendrick

  • Jun 27, 2022
    Sweet Daisy

    I care

  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Main character syndrome

    it was like this for an hour. You know you can go back pages right?

  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    it was like this for an hour. You know you can go back pages right?

    Like how I try to leave/end the discussion and they quote me 6 times and admit to trolling out loud then IM the one that’s acting a fool???

  • Jun 27, 2022

    Kendrick waited too much to drop.

  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    Like how I try to leave/end the discussion and they quote me 6 times and admit to trolling out loud then IM the one that’s acting a fool???

    Link me to the post where someone else was making light of someone else’s sexual abuse

  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply
    Sweet Daisy

    Link me to the post where someone else was making light of someone else’s sexual abuse

    what the f*** does making light mean here? I told dude go f*** himself. Lie again

  • Jun 27, 2022
    Sweet Daisy

    I care

    U literally said u just here to hate and plus u an alt

    On those conditions it's difficult for me to believe u genuinely care n not a troll. Hope u understand

  • Jun 27, 2022
    internet buddy


    Abusers always get the “poor them” treatment do not be dense bruh.

    …like b**** nobody told them to do what they did.

    Nobody told xxx to do what he did
    Nobody told r kelly to do what he did
    Nobody told kodak to do what he did (ppl saying bite marks like the rape kit wasn’t confirmed)

    And nobody damn sure told those creepy ass rock artists to do what they did.

    Forgiveness this and forgiveness that when rape victims never get that chance is comical. We had Trey Songz threads on here where stans were calling some of the models that accused him of rape b****es and hoes.

  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply

    @safe @sab do something

  • Jun 27, 2022
    Oj Or

    @safe @sab do something


  • Jun 27, 2022
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    what the f*** does making light mean here? I told dude go f*** himself. Lie again

    Maybe telling some else to f*** themselves when they’re talking about their sexual abuse

  • Jun 27, 2022

    mods… MODS!!!

  • Jun 27, 2022
    Sweet Daisy

    Maybe telling some else to f*** themselves when they’re talking about their sexual abuse

    @DonutHole has been frothing at the mouth quoting me for the past hour calling me x y and z when I admitted my molestation, said the kendrick album was healing, AND apologized for being passionate about it

    And the f***ing weirdo is STILL quoting me lmao

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