final thoughts
if theres one criticism of kendrick i might have is that he has this eminem syndrome of just having to do every single thing 'to the max.' every album is a musical journey that explores multiple topics and everything is the 'most' version of it. obviously kendricks max and eminems max are not the same, but its still a big reason why i dont go back to some of that peak kendrick music often. like damn is very concept heavy, tpab i just cant not play in full. he was on his way to do something less pressing with mister morale but its still a double album. i like when kedrick raps for kicks like theres no gun to his head. and thats why this album might be one of my favorites, its still full of topical songs and amazing raps but finally hes being wacky and having fun with it. finally all these songs that arent just overwhelmed by their own greatness
gnx is the type of beat greedo was producing on purple summer
Wish he didn't say that dumb s*** during the beef cause he would have been insane on this album
i dont like wacced out murals ngl. man at the garden too. hey now is okay. the rest is some of the best kendrick songs ever recorded. luther one of his best mellow tracks. reincarnated and the heart pt 6 two of the best kendrick tracks ever. dodger blue amazing. gloria amazing. tv off squabble up you already know. gnx is nice
you gotta run wacced out murals when you reached your lowest and overcome it on some nut s***
spin back on this post when you get through it
i dont like wacced out murals ngl. man at the garden too. hey now is okay. the rest is some of the best kendrick songs ever recorded. luther one of his best mellow tracks. reincarnated and the heart pt 6 two of the best kendrick tracks ever. dodger blue amazing. gloria amazing. tv off squabble up you already know. gnx is nice
man at the garden i can get but wacced out murals?
i dont like wacced out murals ngl. man at the garden too. hey now is okay. the rest is some of the best kendrick songs ever recorded. luther one of his best mellow tracks. reincarnated and the heart pt 6 two of the best kendrick tracks ever. dodger blue amazing. gloria amazing. tv off squabble up you already know. gnx is nice
yeah wacced out and man at the garden are the two songs on here im not feeling like that tbh
everything else is straight to me
Not to get off topic but I dead forgot how greasy Hov was talkin to Wayne during their little cold war, especially on that T.I. track @Mitchell @Beach_kneega @CliCity @insertcoolnamehere @kwakudrew @Dubbs one of my all time favorite but he couldnt handle a beef in his prime & dude is super washed nowadays so idk why ppl tryna say he got it
Not to get off topic but I dead forgot how greasy Hov was talkin to Wayne during their little cold war, especially on that T.I. track @Mitchell @Beach_kneega @CliCity @insertcoolnamehere @kwakudrew @Dubbs mean it is Hov you know?
I love Wayne but them "headbutt" type jabs won't win no goddamn beef lol
i dont like wacced out murals ngl. man at the garden too. hey now is okay. the rest is some of the best kendrick songs ever recorded. luther one of his best mellow tracks. reincarnated and the heart pt 6 two of the best kendrick tracks ever. dodger blue amazing. gloria amazing. tv off squabble up you already know. gnx is nice
Wacced out is hard af bro, that’ll grow on you for sure.
Menacing track
Hmm I thought the two mic trick is supposed to help capture a more fuller sound tho
Like I said, it depends on how you place the mics. When you have them facing opposite poles yet towards each other it creates the muffled sound
jack antonoff going from laughing stock of the ktt2 forums to one of the most accomplished rap producers of 2024 is the stuff of legends