''Blood don't won't no smoke Philly gang''
Who is the sophisticated messenger behind the message
lmao zack got packed up?
''Blood don't won't no smoke Philly gang''
Who is the sophisticated messenger behind the message
''Blood don't won't no smoke Philly gang''
Who is the sophisticated messenger behind the message
Unreal this album drop got Zack slipping his mask off
Why is this thread popping so much lol
I've never known him to behave this way
I think this had to be some other user on his account trying to make him look bad
This how they defend racists in real life
“He must have been mentally unwell” emphasis on unwell instead of unstable lol
@BlackAndMildSauce make sure you tap in with me for seance services so u can talk to ur dead homie
who's racist lol? im so confused
Same, apparently NunTheWiser is racist but I've not seen anything.
Why is this thread popping so much lol
I can't see pics. What are y'all so excited about? Avi gone?
Zack pack