Wtf just happened itt
Zack said some dumb s*** in response to a post I made and got muted or banned. Go back a few pages mad people quoted it
This why i called you Stephen from Django for standing behind this cracker
What he said isn’t deeply racist that you make it out to be
Zack really caught a mute before @TroyAveStan
Oh yall talking Zack
You need to be careful talking to a Chicago nigga who has people dying in reality
What he said isn’t deeply racist that you make it out to be
''Blood don't won't no smoke Philly gang''
Who is the sophisticated messenger behind the message
Squabble up
back to this music video.
The man that posts KKK photos at people making fun of his posts defending Zack for THAT is INSANO lmaooooooooooo
What he said isn’t deeply racist that you make it out to be
It wasn't "deeply racist" but was it racist big dog?
1. Reincarnated
2. Wacced Out Murals
3. Hey Now
Wacced out murals/squabble up (can’t decide between the two rn)