nah lol it's quite obviously a microaggression. You don't get to cosplay this s*** as an outsider than talk down on it when it suits you, that's Miley Cyrus type s***
I guess I see that point, but I still think it’s a slight stretch. He’s posturing himself as better than the poster on an intellectual level but I don’t think it’s because of race is my point
Condom eyes funny as hell cause he'll use a kendrick album thread as a daily life journal then get mad when niggas call out a poster being racist
He’ll also use 1 or two people engaging with him as an excuse to take up the next 30 pages with “THE WHOLE THREAD IS AFTER ME” when if he just left the thread would keep moving along
Disrespectful if the culture he stans? Yeah, condescending I guess, wouldn’t go as far as to say racist. Especially when “cracker” is completely fine. To me that sounds more racially charged, but what I know
Diminishing AAVE because it’s used by gang members and diminishing the intelligence of people who are in gangs (an overwhelmingly black makeup) is way more racist than mean words lol
cracker and nigga aren’t the same
People still think racism is how mean your words are
Talk to your man @ing me that someone I know is dead ….
My condolences truly about your person but dawg HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?
How to be more like Kendrick for dummies
This is really his Bugs Bunny era fr
yep. sarcastically being like 'oh who is this sophisticated gentlemen ' is some twitter tier racist nonsense
Oh I didn’t click on the twitter comment so maybe I don’t have the full context
I guess I see that point, but I still think it’s a slight stretch. He’s posturing himself as better than the poster on an intellectual level but I don’t think it’s because of race is my point
Ok and in Zack's eyes what makes him more intelligent? Cuz the dude was using slang Zack wasn't familiar with? Lol
I got real people dying the joke wasn’t funny
Move on
I never @ people that haven’t been in the three for hours that their man died without context
cracker and nigga aren’t the same
Right. But both are slurs against people down to the colour of their skin
Doesn’t count for first week
As long as they ship by Thursday, end of tracking week
Oh I didn’t click on the twitter comment so maybe I don’t have the full context
Yet you were on your hands and knees for him. How that work man lol
He drives a hard bargain but I had to grab the 180g variant before it sells out
This is really his Bugs Bunny era fr
if Kenny said Wassup Doc I would lose it
my brain defaulted to that too when i first saw it
War flashbacks like crazyyy hahaha
Zack dead posted that when nobody was talking to him. He packed himself up lmaoo
that's what I'm saying lmao
With vinyls and cd he’ll clear 400
That s*** shipping after the superbowl low key 😂.
ofc an anti white racism guy is doing the 'oh THIS is racist now?' stuff when it comes to people being racially weird about black people
Cracker doesn’t bother me, that’s not the point, the point is that it’s a far more direct slur