opened ktt2 for the first time today wtf did i miss
they talking bout shooting each other itt!!!
opened ktt2 for the first time today wtf did i miss
Condom eyes making sure he’s booked for wrestlemania
opened ktt2 for the first time today wtf did i miss
They leaked the ending of One Piece
@sab is this interview not cool af?
haven’t had the chance to watch yet tbh
Then why did you request it in first place? You make no sense
Truth be told I forgot I had proof that he purposely said he mentioned the IDF to trigger me and get a reaction because he holds a grudge from the let the party die thread.Combined with Sega multiple times threatening my life for saying I know a name when I said hop on twitter spaces or discord and talk like a human being. I make 0 mention of Palestine in this entire thread and stay on topic until Prissy and InsertCoolNameHere bring up Palestine to get a reaction.
Going even further he said "you didnt mention Palestine til October 7th" Which is a bold face lie. I had continously mentioned Palestine and imperialism my entire time on the site and KTT1 even in reference to super heroes. I had spoken on the issue quite a bit. I had made clear that Ye should address ZIONIST and not JEWS. Insert cool name took "Ye is trolling" as its okay. No I called it deplorable to not focus on his specific zionist enemies and their actions and instead make it about them being jewish reflects poorly on him
The Netanyahu bit and doing any newscast that would take him was trolling to get out of his contract. A contract he stood no chance getting out of that was clearly affecting his mental health. His actions affected the mental health of many. He can be antisemitic but a Black Nazi that believes Germans are the perfect people who hasnt been to Germany anytime recently and has stood against imperialism war hate and killing logically makes no sense
InsertCoolNameHere called or implied I was antisemitic for saying that he was trolling.When I have stood with Howard Zinn a Jewish author who wrote peoples history of America. Noam Chomsky. The Wachowskis are Jewish. There are countless Jewish people speaking against Zionism
you dumbasses bringing up Palestine in this thread to get a reaction and have people saying Palestinians deserve to die because of users like you are pathetic. I am the only one that called Prissy out in the moment. Moments later InsertCoolNameHere mentions Zionist Hitler Ye when I had spent the entire thread mentioning none of those things. His attempts to smear and slander fail
Lupe isnt a Zionist . Lying about someone I know in REALITY. To get likes from idiots online when you dont know what you are talking about is pathetic.
You are a 2024 alt. Sab already acknowleged it. I am at least honest you keep lying to yourself and none of us are convinced.
All people races genders and sexual identities and mental health conditions should be held accountable for their words and actions
He doesnt get to say "month ago, year ago I got screenshots you were mean so I can be mean here"
Because I can shoot back and did
He got out trolled and cried
You are a f***ing b**** and when your inevitable suicide happens I will be there to "😂😂😂😂" on your RIP post
??? chill the f*** out
Truth be told I forgot I had proof that he purposely said he mentioned the IDF to trigger me and get a reaction because he holds a grudge from the let the party die thread.Combined with Sega multiple times threatening my life for saying I know a name when I said hop on twitter spaces or discord and talk like a human being. I make 0 mention of Palestine in this entire thread and stay on topic until Prissy and InsertCoolNameHere bring up Palestine to get a reaction.
Going even further he said "you didnt mention Palestine til October 7th" Which is a bold face lie. I had continously mentioned Palestine and imperialism my entire time on the site and KTT1 even in reference to super heroes. I had spoken on the issue quite a bit. I had made clear that Ye should address ZIONIST and not JEWS. Insert cool name took "Ye is trolling" as its okay. No I called it deplorable to not focus on his specific zionist enemies and their actions and instead make it about them being jewish reflects poorly on him
The Netanyahu bit and doing any newscast that would take him was trolling to get out of his contract. A contract he stood no chance getting out of that was clearly affecting his mental health. His actions affected the mental health of many. He can be antisemitic but a Black Nazi that believes Germans are the perfect people who hasnt been to Germany anytime recently and has stood against imperialism war hate and killing logically makes no sense
InsertCoolNameHere called or implied I was antisemitic for saying that he was trolling.When I have stood with Howard Zinn a Jewish author who wrote peoples history of America. Noam Chomsky. The Wachowskis are Jewish. There are countless Jewish people speaking against Zionism
you dumbasses bringing up Palestine in this thread to get a reaction and have people saying Palestinians deserve to die because of users like you are pathetic. I am the only one that called Prissy out in the moment. Moments later InsertCoolNameHere mentions Zionist Hitler Ye when I had spent the entire thread mentioning none of those things. His attempts to smear and slander fail
Lupe isnt a Zionist . Lying about someone I know in REALITY. To get likes from idiots online when you dont know what you are talking about is pathetic.
You are a 2024 alt. Sab already acknowleged it. I am at least honest you keep lying to yourself and none of us are convinced.
All people races genders and sexual identities and mental health conditions should be held accountable for their words and actions
He doesnt get to say "month ago, year ago I got screenshots you were mean so I can be mean here"
Because I can shoot back and did
He got out trolled and cried