Kendrick performing on 6/16 at Bonnarroo? He def playing this s*** haha
that was such a good show too, he played into his birthday which was midnight and the crowd wished him HBD
fingers crossed Drake quits pop rap and goes into house music again
Pop rap would be great too its that gangster-pop-rap bullshit that has to go
He could hide from Push, he ain't hiding from Kenny
He def can’t hide from this stuff
we witnessing hiphop history rn and there's really kids out there who actually expected Vultures 2 to drop today
we can enjoy the diss tracks while ye makes fools of us
Doesn’t drop on a Friday
That’s a fact, but artists can technically drop on any date they want
A Friday drop isn’t mandatory
Meanwhile The Weeknd and them laughing in the lambo at Baka
has baka dropped anymore tik toks
it’s very important to know if weeknd bullied top ovo hitter off socials media
All these subliminal are hinting to Drake being a pedo and his crew told Kendrick
It might actaully be over for Papi
he been cheffin i need to lay back with a bad b this proper music
Kendrick got a diamond encrusted crown because all of his mental stans worship him like the second coming it’s really that bad wow
Your name is ovomafia and ovotopia, the glass house you’re in is shattered with stones
em if your mother’s a crackhead and kim is a known s***, tell me what’s hailie gonna be when she grows up
Kendrick is Cartoon Network
Which is where real culture is at