Stop the count!
surprise drop
12 tracks
universal acclaim
being played everywhere
real music always wins
I'm really wondering what the difference between 291k and like 310k that has Drake fans going from celebration and laughter to anger and tears
@thegreatdivine @quadra @Vietbrah @TommyCampos what’s up guys?
I'm really wondering what the difference between 291k and like 310k that has Drake fans going from celebration and laughter to anger and tears
Because they realized if he at least did physicals it would’ve cleared FATD + the rumors of Kendrick dropping a bigger album
I'm really wondering what the difference between 291k and like 310k that has Drake fans going from celebration and laughter to anger and tears
Niggas don’t even know what they in shambles for anymore at this point tbh
Stop the count!
surprise drop
12 tracks
universal acclaim
being played everywhere
real music always wins
Universal acclaim
“ the biggest streaming week in history for a rap album with 15 songs or less” 🤣
Come on people, what are we doing right now?
Next category : biggest streaming rap album with 15 song or less, from a male black Christian west coast artist born between 1986 and 1989.
“ the biggest streaming week in history for a rap album with 15 songs or less” 🤣
Come on people, what are we doing right now?
Next category : biggest streaming rap album with 15 song or less, from a male black Christian west coast artist born between 1986 and 1989.
I get what your saying but it’s impressive because it hasn’t been done before
Everyone knows more tracks = more streams. So it’s nice to see an album still get a lot of streams without following that formula
“ the biggest streaming week in history for a rap album with 15 songs or less” 🤣
Come on people, what are we doing right now?
Next category : biggest streaming rap album with 15 song or less, from a male black Christian west coast artist born between 1986 and 1989.
Copium talk...
So they just took the number of tracks for the best streaming album, took one off, and created a new record? 😭
I swear Drake fans are the only people on earth who want bloated albums full of playlist fodder
Oh no Alphonse Pierre and Drake Stans don’t like it
It’s the most mixed reviews have been for a Kendrick album probably ever, in contention with Mr morale
It’s getting sticky for the other side love to watch them fall, GNX AOTY can’t wait for the deluxe
I get what your saying but it’s impressive because it hasn’t been done before
Everyone knows more tracks = more streams. So it’s nice to see an album still get a lot of streams without following that formula
Love Drake, never liked the bloated album formula so it is nice to see this
I'm really wondering what the difference between 291k and like 310k that has Drake fans going from celebration and laughter to anger and tears
Because they're simpletons
Love Drake, never liked the bloated album formula so it is nice to see this
It’s also nice because Kendrick usually does long albums