  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    LOL you cant be serious

    this the grammys

    i dont ever recall a fanbase jiving like this, you are not a rap fan

    how you gonna defend the kendrick industry darling allegations atp blood

    Copium babble

    Got Drake’s whole Grammy career in his hands

  • pimpin

    Pull up yall

    @CliCity @​Mitchell @2001 @​Unforgivable @​mos_def @​WT777 @​ThaDon @Beach_kneega @LUKAS @HurryUp_UncleTony @fader @Deny_Deny_ @​Water_Giver @​ShinNohara @​Ron_James @Expert @​zeus123 @Lmfao @KayTray @Laced @JaeAlways


    Song Of The Year
    Record Of The Year
    Best Rap Song
    Best Rap Performance
    Best Music Video

    All that remains is the Super Bowl halftime to complete the sweep

  • Feb 3
    2 replies

    Copium babble

    Got Drake’s whole Grammy career in his hands

    even swifties don’t go this hard when Taylor wins awards 😂😂 this is a whole other level for rap fans

    i’m not here to kill your dopamine boost tho —this is your moment

    enjoy it homie

  • Kendrick just opened his mouth and Imma put my d*** in it right now

  • Wally3500

    even swifties don’t go this hard when Taylor wins awards 😂😂 this is a whole other level for rap fans

    i’m not here to kill your dopamine boost tho —this is your moment

    enjoy it homie

    Bro still has a avi from when you guys thought Push Ups was going to win the beef for Drake. How is that “20 v 1” going? And don’t try and tell me you’re just a big Kill Bill fan.

  • Wally3500

    even swifties don’t go this hard when Taylor wins awards 😂😂 this is a whole other level for rap fans

    i’m not here to kill your dopamine boost tho —this is your moment

    enjoy it homie


  • Nigga said “I see your hit diss song, and raise you a Grammy winning hit diss song.”

  • Imagine calling another man Papi. How much of a loser do you have to be. ‘Papi’ lost so bad. Love it

  • i swear if this s*** goes back to #1 almost a year later

  • Man this and Meet the Grahams were such a wild moment in time

  • ·
    1 reply

    2nd verse of this s*** gotta be top 5 of his career.

    The way it just builds up is crazy. His delivery switch for the last part of the verse too "i lean on u niggas lIKE ANOTHER LINE OF WOK AND ITS ALL EYES ON ME SO IMMA SEND IT UP TO PAC" s*** never gets old

  • Worldpremiere_

    2nd verse of this s*** gotta be top 5 of his career.

    The way it just builds up is crazy. His delivery switch for the last part of the verse too "i lean on u niggas lIKE ANOTHER LINE OF WOK AND ITS ALL EYES ON ME SO IMMA SEND IT UP TO PAC" s*** never gets old

    Song deserves it's status, it's Catchy so you might underestimate it but it packs a punch