Mods can’t lock this thread until their teacher gives them their phone back
Antisemitism isnt a joke !!!
yeah i’ve seen the video.
who thinks of drake as a “jewish rapper”? unless it’s used as a jab in passing when he tries to act to street, but he doesn’t talk about judaism at all in his raps
KTT don’t care cuz it’s their fav, KTT been fake woke
See how they turned on Ye
There is lots of hate of lately towards jews in america and Kendrick fuels it with his antisemitic tropes towards Drake such as "Master manipulater"
There is lots of hate of lately towards jews in america and Kendrick fuels it with his antisemitic tropes towards Drake such as "Master manipulater"
Free Palestine
KTT don’t care cuz it’s their fav, KTT been fake woke
See how they turned on Ye
Consistently one of the dumbest posters on here
I agree with you OP. I wish he would just come out and say how he really feels. Kanye is only one with the guts
I agree with you OP. I wish he would just come out and say how he really feels. Kanye is only one with the guts
FACTS, even if i dislike you, I'll acknowledge you for speaking your truth
Op is right Kendrick is homophobic colorist racist xenophobic and anti semitic we need to eliminate him at all costs
FACTS, even if i dislike you, I'll acknowledge you for speaking your truth
Kendrick is it not being antisemetic
You should not acknowledge nazi’s for ‘having guts’ which is what this post originally said. Or ‘speaking their truth’ which is what this post now says