Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile
Ak switching his story up like this just means he got fed info from Drake about what the next spin is gonna be do NOT fall for it
If y’all know any s***workers ask them about this s***
I don’t associate with w****s
As a huge Drake fan Drake being so desperate to show a hells angel member in the family matters video is embarrassing
Nobody gives a f*** about c***gangs
spineless pussies who don't stand for nothing
sitting on fences like they sitting on d***s
No NDAs nothing just cowards . It was interesting the artist brave enough to say Epstein didn’t kill himself and those that just let that all play out cause they be dapping and campaigning for people who BEEN knew
I knew one mainstream p*** star when I was younger. She quit no im pretty sure mental stuff iirc
She did some pretty hardcore scenes im pretty sure that’s why
I’ll put it like this.
You laughed at my Finsta for a while after Hillbillies dropped.
I’m a pretty funny guy indeed
17th April
yeah they showed this too
the theory by the guy that’s on stream with ak is that drake is saying he has their protection that’s why that clip plays when he mentions going to delilah with all of his ice
Ak switching his story up like this just means he got fed info from Drake about what the next spin is gonna be do NOT fall for it
Ak a fat rètard who was dead sure Hi Whitney was real
I wanna know what they think
The ones I know dead now, and they usually have the most interesting perspectives
you know what thats so true
Ak switching his story up like this just means he got fed info from Drake about what the next spin is gonna be do NOT fall for it
What did he say
If y’all know any s***workers ask them about this s***
Oddly enough a vinyl was dropped at my place yesterday and it said mannequin p****. Thought it was a s***toy or some s*** so i left it there
The address was so far off too
Oh that's funny
They're a dope band you should check rn out