Slingshot is my friend
He used to work with my dad
I don't think he would lie
But you would
Just so we’re clear
I dont believe a single damn thing Slingshot is saying
There’s gotta be a reason why that frame is frozen on Aks stream right now right? I think there was a theory online yesterday that they’re alluding to having some sort of recording
AK crashing out earlier
Why does everyone think flooding the market is a good thing, I don't want an album every year
Akademiks is bigger than Tucker Carlson
fat joke
That wouldn’t be implausible because he has to have eyes on him considering he’s already been convicted
But let it get shakey
I park my son @edumist
What has akademiks said tonight
Beef isn't over
AK doesn't believe Drake planted the mole
her name is inga!!! shes named after inga copeland from the duo hype williams who i love dearly tho they're not a duo anymore sadly :((( and i mean... to describe inga.. wow shes such an idiot honestly... always crying and complaining, and spilling her water bowl!!!! ugh so annoying... but i do love her so much. despite her crying
I like Inga
Better than something that won’t age well like Crodie
AK crashing out earlier
The bleeps are crucial lmao
her name is inga!!! shes named after inga copeland from the duo hype williams who i love dearly tho they're not a duo anymore sadly :((( and i mean... to describe inga.. wow shes such an idiot honestly... always crying and complaining, and spilling her water bowl!!!! ugh so annoying... but i do love her so much. despite her crying
I think she's doing her best
Perhaps we all can be an inga at times
We should not judge inga
genuinely the funniest development itt is clicking back in the beginning to see all the drake stans trolling and celebrating and spamming, just to see none of them the further you go
just absolutely comical
they all hiding in the the heart part 6 thread
Akademiks is bigger than Tucker Carlson
Crazy how quickly he fell off the face of the world when he got booted from FOX.
Beef isn't over
AK doesn't believe Drake planted the mole
even ak doesn't believe it